Chapter 4

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If last night wasn't weird enough, today definitely was. When I awoke, there was a note on my bedside table, telling me to come meet them downstairs for breakfast.

Now,normally one wouldn't think that that was something weird, but, seeing as how it was a group of vampires that were asking me to have breakfast with them, you could see why I would think so. After all, I was a fully fledged Huntsmen-ok maybe not fully fledged, but I was a Huntsmen. And I thought for a Huntsmen to be having breakfast with a bunch vampires like it was normal, was a bit odd to say the least.

Still, I didn't want to be rude, Mira did save me from that so called, Vampaneze, so I made myself somewhat presentable in the bathroom and I headed down the stairs. There,Mira and her family (including her brother) were sitting around the wooden,island kitchen on what where sheepskin chairs.

"Sleep well?" Mrs. Velan asked.

"Of course," I replied, as I walked over to them. Mrs.Velan took a sip of her coffee.


"What would you like to eat lad?" Mr. Velan asked.

"Uh,anything is fine with me," I replied, not wanting to be picky. "Anything it is then!" he said, cheerfully, as he started up the stove.

"What about you Mira?"

"The usual please."

"And the usual it is."

Fora bunch of vampires, they seemed like a cheery bunch. Then again, my idea of what a vampire was had been totally warped since the night of the ritual. You see, for as long as I could remember, I had been led to believe that vampires were nothing but monsters who had a hunger for human blood. And while it was true that Mira had bitten me, it wasn't like she had taken all of it, or perhaps even any of it. I wasn't exactly sure if she had taken any at all.

Either way, she was very different from the vampires that my father had told me about.He made it seem like they were mindless beings with no personality, feelings or even consciousness. Beasts essentially. But these people seemed to actually care about my well being. These people, who I had never met until yesterday.

It was astounding. It was like everything I had believed up until now had been turned upside down. And it was all because of Mira. Not that it was a bad thing, it was just a lot to take in.

Anyways,after eating breakfast, Mira took me down into their dark and damp basement.Though, as she did I was feeling a little suspicious, which was a reasonable thing to feel. After all, why would a vampire take you down into a basement? I didn't know, perhaps she wanted to fatten me up and eat me, like the witch in that old children's story.

Of course,it turns out, she didn't bring me down here to eat me after all. Instead, she wanted to test to see whether or not she had accidentally injected her vampire strain into my body. And the only place she could do that, was their lab.

The lab-if you could call it that-was rather small, as it was about the size of a master bedroom, not to mention, it was rather creepy, what with all the jars of body parts, of what I guessed were animals, and the collection of skeletons.There was also an alchemy station and a garden, which I thought was a nice touch; however, I hadn't seen many of the plants within the garden before, as many of them had kaleidoscopic colors, while others were dark and crimson. One plant was actually grey, which I had no idea was possible.

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