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"if you were born with the weakness to fall you were born with the strength to rise."
w o r d c o u n t : 1,077

The morning light graced his stunning face like a god graced his most loyal follower, enhancing his sharp features in such a dazzling way that Ezra couldn't bear to not take a photo

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The morning light graced his stunning face like a god graced his most loyal follower, enhancing his sharp features in such a dazzling way that Ezra couldn't bear to not take a photo.

He slipped his phone back onto the side table and tugged off his shirt so he could have a shower.

The fierce water pressure pounded his skin, easily soaking his long hair. He made a note to have Niki trim it soon. She had offered after he got his hair stuck in the fan, between fits of uncontrollable laughter.

"Ezra?" The boy wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the door, watching Paul sit up and rub his bleary eyes.

"Morning, Paul." Suddenly Paul's eyes widened, eyes raking over Ezra's exposed chest before he turned away abruptly. "You can shower and borrow some clothes if you want. I'm gonna make some coffee. How do you like it?"

"Four creams four sugars." Paul answered and Ezra snorted.

"Sure thing, sweet tooth." Ezra grinned, quickly changing as soon as Paul disappeared into the bathroom. "Throw your clothes in the hamper and I'll wash them and you can borrow some of mine!" He shouted through the door before he went downstairs to make coffee and get some cereal.

Niki stumbled down the stairs, a very visible hickey on her neck and one on her shoulder. She swept her short hair over it and threw herself into one of the stools sat at the island.

"Pour me a cup." She groaned, setting her head on the table. "And some Advil please."

"Have fun last night?" Ezra grinned in amusement as he set the cup down on the table and handed her the pills.

She swallowed the pills and chugged the coffee, ignoring the heat before letting out a deep sigh. "Don't wanna talk about it."

"Paul spent the night." At this Niki perked up excitedly.

"Rose told me. I hope you didn't have too much fun. Was he good?" She asked eagerly.

Ezra rolled his eyes, "Nothing happened. His dad kicked him out for the night and he didn't have anywhere to go. He's my friend. I couldn't just leave him in the cold."

Niki's face turned serious. "It happens more than he admits. His dad's an asshole drunk. He'll come home and smack Paul around before he kicks him out for the night."

"That's awful." Ezra breathed, anger and grief brewing in his stomach.

"We've been trying to get him to leave. He could stay with any of us but he refuses to acknowledge that there's a problem but we've all seen the bruises even if they fade within minutes." Niki fell silent as Paul shuffled down the stairs in one of Ezra's tank tops and the only pair of jean shorts he owned.

Ezra's breath caught in his lungs as he saw the gorgeous man so breathtakingly domestic, the grogginess had faded and been replaced with the brightness of fresh sleep and a shower.

"I uh, I put my clothes in your hamper," Paul muttered, accepting the cup of coffee Ezra slid to him. "Hey, Nik." He choked on his coffee. "Is that a hickey?"

Nik let out a groan and slammed her head on the table before shoving herself up. "I'll get the scissors to trim your hair."

"How-" Ezra began to ask and Nik cut him off.

"I've watched you fiddle with your hair since you got down here it's not that big of a leap." Nik answered, taking the stairs two at a time.

Ezra turned back to Paul with a soft smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I did. Thank you so much, Ez."

"Don't worry about it. You can stay here any time." Ezra promised, reaching over the table to squeeze Paul's hand. Nervousness invaded his stomach and he pulled away just as the toster caught fire with a large spark. "Sorry."

"That's amazing," Paul breathed as Ezra reached into the cabinet under the sink and grabbed the fire extinguisher, letting out a small burst to get rid of the fire before opening the kitchen window to let out the smell. "I have patrol today but thank you so much for letting me stay the night."

"Don't thank me, Paul. Just come over whenever you need to." Ezra explained, finishing off his coffee cup.

"Do you wanna come over to Emily's tomorrow? Embry shifted and she wants to have more people around than just us so she's having dinner. She wants Nik to come too." Paul offered, shifting nervously. He wasn't sure if Ezra would want to come but he wanted to spend more time with the boy.

Platonically of course.

As soon as Paul left, Ezra threw his clothes into the washer and found Nik waiting for him in the kitchen.

"Sit, sit." Ezra sat in the chair and Nik wrapped a tablecloth around him. "So, you and Paul, eh? He really likes you, ya know."

"C'mon, Niki, we're friends." Ezra insisted, keeping his eyes trained on the swaying trees in the backyard. "How are things going with you and Rose?"

"Since she kinda got over the stuff with Edward it's been a lot better. She's not so stressed anymore and we'll hit our one year in a month." Niki explained fondly, the love clear in her voice. "Edward and Bella are official now and from what Rose told me, she's coming to dinner next week. But god I love her. She's so amazingly kind, sweet, a true genius, and absolutely extraordinary. I've never ever met anyone like her and I know I never will. She isn't too bad on the eyes either. But when I turn eighteen I swear I'm going to marry that woman."

"I'd need a ring first, my love." Rosalie breezed into the room like a gust of summer wind, bringing the smells of sweet flowers as she planted a sweet chaste kiss on Niki's chapped lips.

"Oh, absolutely Dove. The most gorgeous one I can find. Of course, I could never find one to rival your beauty but I sure will try." Niki kissed Rosalie again.

Ezra groaned at the couple. "Stop, you two make me sick."

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