previously titled beserk
A young gay witch with deadly powers on the fringe is traveling the U.S. in search of a substitute for suppressing his magic and a way to control his powers. Ezra Pierce was born into a religiously strict family with no one...
"let me die first or i will die twice" w o r d c o u n t : 1,765
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Hopping eagerly into the car, the toe of Nik's sneaker slapped the rubber mat below impatiently as Ezra climbed into the car, clicked in his seatbelt, turned on the car, and pulled into the road. Finally, she glanced excitedly at her best friend. "Did you like her?" She asked quickly, glancing periodically between Ezra and the empty road.
"I did like her. She's so sweet. I'm so glad you're happy." He reached across the dashboard to find her fingers, squeezing them tightly.
Niki grinned, bouncing in her seat. "I really am. Nailha's so kind and funny and smart, and understanding. Her family is really accepting too."
Ezra smiled warmly, happy to see the girl so ecstatic again. She didn't really have anyone before Rosalie, much like Bella before Edward. She lived with her uncle who already had his hands full with a teenage son and his duties as an elder member of the council. Nik had so many other people relying on her and she could never rely on someone completely before Rosalie. She invested herself into the woman, emotionally, mentally, physically. And when Rosalie left, it broke Niki.
"Ezra watch out!" Nik's hands found their way to the wheel, jerking abruptly to the right as Ezra slammed the brakes. The car screeched in protest, coming to a sharp stop as half the car pulled off the road, the back half resting uncomfortably on the asphalt.
Suddenly the witch narrowed in on what caused Niki to burst out. A small figure, almost a child, laid on their back on the asphalt. They were splayed on the ground like a corpse, hands folded on their stomach and their eyes shut peacefully and the person looked not to be moving.
Niki flew out of the car to the person. She had always been one to act recklessly in the benefit of others. "Nik, wait! Stay in the car!" Ezra called as she hit her knees by the person, ripping holes in her jeans as she ignored the pain.
Niki's fingers graced the child's face and suddenly the eyes and suddenly they flew open, shocking Nik as her hand shot up, seizing the human by the neck. The child shot off the ground, wrapping her arm around Niki's neck and pinning her to her chest.
"Nik!" Ezra sprinted toward her, skidding to a stop mere feet away. "Let her go."
The girl growled, snapping his fingers sharply as other witches bled from the woods. Thirteen of them in all. A man made his way to the front, sending Nik a mere glance as the woman's palms began creating malicious red bubbling burns on Nik's golden skin.
She screamed in pain, the sound sending daggers into Ezra's heart as she writhed in the woman's hold.
"Please!" Ezra begged as Nik got the relief she was looking for, sagging in the woman's grip. "Take me instead!"
"I think not, Ezra Pierce. You see, the elders made a mistake. Of course, I was simply expecting it. Why let old bags decipher to futures our gods spit out? They're bound to make a mistake but no one listens to me." He drawled, pulling a stone dagger from his belt and pressing it to Nik's neck. "Of course no one would listen to me. I'm just a lowly Northern wielding Earth magic. Too common." He crowed mockingly. "Not like you. You. You're special. One of the rare ones." He shook his head roughly, hitting the but of the knife to his head. "Not like me." He jerked his arm to gesture to his friends. "Not like us."