previously titled beserk
A young gay witch with deadly powers on the fringe is traveling the U.S. in search of a substitute for suppressing his magic and a way to control his powers. Ezra Pierce was born into a religiously strict family with no one...
"dried blood beneath candy-colored band-aids, your fists like rusted switchblades, the heart inside you silver, wet, wriggling you have returned. you have returned." w o r d c o u n t : 1,316
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Ezra flashed in and out of consciousness, seeing nothing but the dim glow of rapidly passing street lamps before he finally succame to the fire running through his veins. Zephyr sat behind the wheel of the hotwired car, sending them flying through the streets and back toward the compound.
A human had never set foot inside but Ilan and Ezra alike decided that these were extenuating circumstances.
"Hold in there, Ez. Diarmuid will know what to do." Ilan begged, her voice watery as she smoothed down his sweat-slicked hair.
Ezra laid on his stomach, his warm cheek pressing into Ilan's cold thigh and taking solace in the temperature change.
Oh god did he not want to do this to her. She didn't need to be so scared. She didn't deserve it. But he felt like he was dying. And second by second, minute by minute, he made his peace with it.
He had his regrets, of course, Paul was the biggest. But if Paul hated him, he'd do so much better with Ezra's death.
Diarmuid. The Compound. It sounded like sweet solace. The place he had made home, where he spent all his time nowadays.
It just didn't make sense.
How did Maddox know they would be at that coffee shop. It wasn't like she stumbled upon them there.
She watched him, she planned ahead and filled that coffee shop with her own people. She couldn't have just known. She had to have someone feeding her info. Someone close enough to not raise eyebrows.
It was making Ezra's head spin with worry and his stomach lurch painfully. It narrowed down the people he could trust. Down to one. Ilan.
Well, the Cullens too. They weren't in the compound with them. All of his friends in Forks would be fine, they could watch out for themselves.
But, as it turned out, it didn't matter. Because the compound was burned to the ground. Firemen and policemen swarmed the ashes, recovering charred body after charred body from the rubble.
Children just looking for solace were dead, men and women looking to improve their world were dead, peaceful people looking to escape the constant fighting, dead.
It was just more blood on his own hands.
Ilan's fingers trembled and she let out a choked sob, clutching her hand to her mouth as her other hand went to tug on the door handle. She fell from the car, her knees slamming into the asphalt. "No!" She screamed, her small voice lost in the sea of sirens.
An ash coated cat scrambled forward, leaping right into the car without a second thought and letting out a pitiful meow.
"Padfoot?" Ezra muttered, reaching up weakly to stroke the ash from the cat's midnight fur.