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"and the moons of youth spilled once more into dawn
we felt ourselves infinite again,
if even for a moment."
w o r d c o u n t : 1,121

The lights were blinding as the two kids were whisked into the ambulance

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The lights were blinding as the two kids were whisked into the ambulance. that's all they were. Kids.

Nikaia Black, born on June 21st, 1988, was pronounced dead on arrival at Forks hospital at 2:43 am on March 15th, 2007 after only 19 years of life. The EMTs tried their best but Nik was dead as soon as they arrived, she just couldn't be pronounced as such until they reached the hospital.

A scratchy blanket was draped over his shoulders and stained with Nik's blood. He scrubbed his skin clean but his clothes were still soaked, hanging heavy from his frame.

Shock had followed the panic and as soon as the EMTs pronounced her dead, he was frozen in one point to carefully maintain the illusion that his best friend wasn't dead.

Billy Black was the first to arrive, having been Nik's emergency contact they had resorted to when they couldn't get much more from Ezra than choked sobs and screams.

He was silent now, his eyes on the wall across from him as people bustled by, completely unaware of the immense tragedy that had ruined Ezra Pierce.

Nik's body now laid in an empty room, her eyes pulled shut and her hands folded peacefully on her stomach. Ezra fooled himself into believing she was sleeping. That she'd wake up and call him an idiot for worrying. She had to wake up. She always woke up when he needed her and lord did he need her.

Billy wheeled toward him with Jake following close behind. "Ezra," He called and the boy didn't respond. That was when the man knew it wasn't a mistake. She wouldn't pull through.

"Mr. Black, this way, if you could." Dr. Kensing beckoned the man over. "I'm so sorry to tell you, but Nikaia didn't make it." Billy swallowed his sob as Jake sealed his lips impossibly tight, rubbing his father's back. "We can transfer her body to the morgue until you make the proper arrangements or if cremation is what she'd have wanted we can do that as well. I can refer you to some local funeral homes that will treat you very well for a very good price." Dr. Kensing explained calmly. He probably had to deliver the same speech a hundred times before.

"Can I see her?" Billy's voice cracked painfully as the Dr. nodded.

He paused for a moment, eyes flickering to Ezra. "If there is anyone you can call for Mr. Pierce that'd be ideal. He's in an intense state of shock. When our EMTs arrived they had to forcibly separate him from Nikaia and it was significantly difficult. We can also refer you to grief counselors for any of you."

Billy glanced at Ezra before turning to Jake. "Call Paul. Ezra needs him. Then call Sue and tell her the news."

He followed the doctor through the double doors and to the room that held Nik's corpse. Billy sobbed as he wheeled over, grabbing her frozen hand in his and allowed his head come to rest on the edge of the bed. She was practically his daughter and he loved her dearly. First his best friend in the world, then his daughter, all in one night.

Jake sat down beside Ezra in the uncomfortable plastic chairs after calling Paul and Sue. Paul was on his way immediately. There was only one thing that could ever trump Alpha's orders and it was the imprint law. Whenever your imprint was in need you'd drop everything. But Sam wouldn't even consider attempting to make Paul stay, he and the rest of the pack had the two new shifters under control.

The Clearwater family was one huge chain reaction, set off by Sam's rage-filled ex-fiance, Leah Clearwater. No one dared suspect that Leah could be a shifter. Not even when she exhibited all of the signs. The rise in body heat, the abrupt mood swings, intense bouts of anger all plagued her like her ancestors before her, triggered by Alice Cullen's return to town to whisk Bella away to Italy to save her whiny boyfriend.

Leah shifted during one of her many arguments with her mom that started after Sam broke her heart. They had brushed the symptoms off as heartbreak, but when Leah shifted in the living room, Harry Clearwater couldn't take it. He had a heart attack and died not soon after, the shock of that, Seth Clearwater, only fifteen, shifted as well.

"Ezra?" Jake called, unsure if the witch couldn't hear him or just wasn't listening. He believed it to be the later, judging by the heartbreakingly shattered look that consumed his features. They had both lost a sister.

"Ezra!" The panicked voice was easily recognized as Paul brushed aside a nurse, eyes narrowing in on the witch's blanketed form.

"Paul." Billy rolled from the hallway leading to the room. "Take him home."

"Is she-" Paul was abruptly cut off by the man's sharp nod. "What happened?"

"She drowned in her own blood. Her neck was cut so deep she was nearly decapitated." Billy recounted painfully. "Ezra isn't speaking so we have no idea what happened but the police have brushed it off as a random mugging. That's what we're going to tell them too because the alternative is something we're going to discuss with the council after Ezra tells us what happened."

Paul nodded at the orders as Billy called Jake over. Nik would be cremated so they would have to say their last goodbyes now.

Paul wrapped an arm around Ezra's shoulder, ignoring how the boy flinched under his touch as he quickly melted into it, allowing Paul to escort him out to the car.

"Ezra," He spoke gently as he shut the car door behind Ezra and moved around to slid in the front seat. "Are you hungry? Do you want any food or any drink? I can make you tea."

Ezra didn't answer. He couldn't find a will to open his mouth for anything more than to cry and scream.

It was so unfair. If anyone deserved to die it was him. They weren't looking for Nik. She was just a casualty of a war he didn't know was waging. He deserved it. They were looking for him.

And now he was supposed to train and sculpt a witch he didn't know a certain way he wasn't sure of to get her to return the witches to power.

Ezra hated the witch, he hated Aloysius, and more than both of them combined, he hated himself.

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