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"i will break every fucking clock on this earth to prove we are not bad at timing."
w o r d c o u n t : 1,507

"w o r d c o u n t : 1,507

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"Don't stare at Emily." Embry warned before the human girl could enter the house. "It bugs Sam."

"Why would I stare?" Bella muttered but her question fell on deaf ears as the three boys were already in the house.

"Are you boys hungry?" Emily asked, laughing. "Like I have to ask." She turned, tossing Ezra a muffin before seeing Bella lingering in the doorway. "Who's this?"

"Bella Swan of course. Who else?" Jared snickered, eagerly snatching a muffin off the platter as Emily set them down.

"Ah, so you're the vampire girl." Emily smiled warmly. Padfoot immediately leaped from Ezra's pocket and bolted onto the counter above the dishwasher, curling comfortably into the warmth.

"So you're the wolf girl." Bella added awkwardly, stepping forward into the small house.

Emily laughed. "I guess so. Well, I'm engaged to one." She turned to Embry and Jared, scolding them as they each snatched up two muffins. "Save some for your brothers. And ladies first. Muffin?"

Bella shuffled forward, gingerly taking a muffin off the plater. "Sure, thanks." She retreated next to Ezra, almost hiding behind him.

"Leave it to Jake to find a way around Sammy's gag order." Ezra snickered, taking a large bite from the buttery muffin.

"Actually, he didn't tell me anything." Defended the human, worried that her words could get Jake in trouble.

"It's a wolf thing. Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want to or not." Embry explained good-naturedly, tapping his head. "And check it out, we can hear each other's thoughts."

Instantly, Jared looked scandalized, dropping his muffin onto the table. "Would you shut up? These are trade secrets! Damn it, this girl runs with vampires!"

"No, they aren't. Anyone with that knows what species they're looking for can find it. It's the part of the fundamentals of your kind." Ezra cut in, watching Jared huff, throwing his head back.

"You're such a know it all, Pierce!" He cried out, sending a playful glare toward Ezra.

"Plus you can't really run with vampires, they're fast." Bella drawled awkwardly.

Jared grinned. "Yeah? While we're faster. Scared yet?"

"Leave her alone, Cameron. I can still kick your ass." Ezra warned as the screen door swung open.

"Bet!" Jared shouted as Paul brushed past his pack mates, eyes set on the muffins on the table. Jake lingered by the door, beckoning Bella outside. She followed and the house was instantly more at ease, letting out a breath they were all holding.

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