previously titled beserk
A young gay witch with deadly powers on the fringe is traveling the U.S. in search of a substitute for suppressing his magic and a way to control his powers. Ezra Pierce was born into a religiously strict family with no one...
"this earth is a stepping stone, your feet are the feet of god" w o r d c o u n t : 1,726
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"So what?" Ezra asked, dragging his eyes from Ilan with a great effort. His mind was reeling with the new information. "You're going to kill us?"
Elyse let out a twinkling laugh and for a moment Ezra could believe she was just a young girl.
"No," she spoke slowly, prowling toward him. "I'm not going to kill you." Elyse's eyes flicked to Zephyr before back to Ezra. "Them. Maybe. But we have better plans for you and your girlfriend. Information doesn't come from those with a false sense of bravery without a price. You can pay the price or she can. Choose."
Ezra examined the small woman. She knew how to get him to confess. She had seen him with Paul, she had seen his tenderness.
A look of shock tore at Elyse's face. "Are you telling me our brave little hero wouldn't sacrifice himself for the little mutt?"
"Are you kidding me?" He bragged with fake bravado. "What's it to me if she gets roughed up a little? Look at her, she's a runt, she could use it to toughen her up."
Tears were brimming in Ilan's eyes at Ezra's harsh words but he knew he couldn't afford to feel guilty. If he allowed himself to be muddied by feelings, the three of them wouldn't last very long.
But he knew that they would return to Forks after this, whether it be just him, him and Ilan, or even him, Ilan, and Zephyr.
He had to.
Elyse grinned wickedly, the sneer looking foreign on her endearing face. "You think I don't know your pretty little tricks?" Her fingers ghosted his cheek with a touch almost tender. He wasn't expecting her harsh slap. A loud crack echoed through the room, her long acrylic fingernails dragged across his cheek, leaving four thin claw marks in their wake. He could feel the blood dribbling out, clotting before the drop even reached his chin. The sting of the slap and the sting of the cuts melted together as her grin turned into a deep scowl. "You think me to be a fool, don't you, Ezra Pierce. The girl doesn't know anything. You wouldn't trust even your precious little Paul Lahote with that information. You wouldn't want to endanger him."
Ezra let out a deafening scream, yanking forcefully against the cuffs keeping him upright as he threw himself at the girl. He heard a distinct crack in his hand and his screams of pain melded with his screams of anger. "You don't get to speak of him! Don't you dare! I will rip you to shreds!"
Elyse laughed. "I see I've found your weak spot, Pierce. Tell me. Were you this concerned when it came to Nikaia? You seemed to replace her rather quickly. Perhaps I should pay your boyfriend-" She cut herself off with a childish giggle. "Forgive me, ex-boyfriend. At his cute little house in Forks. Grey paint, two windows. But he spends most of his time at the Cullen home anyway. Waiting for you. But that's no matter. None at all. They don't stand a chance."