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"this heart is a cathedral. widows, ghosts, and lovers sit and sing in the dark, arched marrow of me."
w o r d c o u n t : 1,064

A dull pain consumed him and suddenly he wished to return to the endless abyss of oblivion that had trapped him for an unmeasurable amount of time, threatening to seize him with madness

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A dull pain consumed him and suddenly he wished to return to the endless abyss of oblivion that had trapped him for an unmeasurable amount of time, threatening to seize him with madness.

Ezra didn't move in fear of worsening the pain, merely laying in a puddle of his own suffering, eyes welded shut as he heard hushed voices below him and the creaking on an opening door. He was in his own bed, in his own room, as far as he could tell.

The sweet scent of sage that clung to himself and the sheets now invaded his nose, reminding him of the only home he had ever created for himself.

"Ezra, can you hear me?" The voice was instantly recognizable, tinted with desperation and tiredness.

A soft groan of pain left his lips as he opened his eyes, shutting them again instantly as the light pierce through his irises and slammed a sledgehammer into his skull. "The lights, please." He whispered, throat hoarse from dehydration as Paul shot up, closing the blinds and cloaking the room in darkness.

The bed beside Ezra dipped and Paul eased a hand under his back, helping him sit up and bring a bottle of water to his lips.

What had Ezra done that was so good to have a gorgeous man waiting on him hand and foot? He didn't know but he was sure Paul was delusional.

Ezra gulped greedily, finishing the bottle far too soon to become content. Paul grabbed another bottle and this time Ezra took it, ignoring the screaming pain as he drank half of the bottle, easing it from his lips and extending it to Paul who set it on the table.

"How are you feeling?" Paul asked quietly, easing Ezra back into the bed. "Do you want some food? Niki's been making soup ever since you got back."

"How long?" Ezra rasped, hoarse from disuse.

"A little over two weeks." Paul answered gently. "The tiny one told me you turned a vampire to dust."

Ezra attempted to laugh and rather instantly he felt the effects, pain radiating up his chest and stomach. He winced painfully, gripping the sheets in his best attempt to stop all movement. "James. I did. It took a lot." Ezra explained shortly, his fingers uncurling from the sheets to snatch Paul's hand when he attempted to stand. "Where are you going?"

He didn't want Paul to leave. His mere presence eased the pain that enveloped Ezra and a small, irrational part of him was scared Paul just wouldn't come back.

"I'm getting the soup from Niki. You need to eat. I'll be right back. Don't worry." Paul promised, his lips ghosting Ezra's forehead as he made his way out of the room.

It took a great deal of effort to pile pillows behind himself enough to sit up. "Alice." He called, his voice just above speaking.

She appeared in his room in less than three seconds, almost like a ghost the way she moved silently like a shadow. "Are you alright?"

"I would have gotten to Bella sooner. Something happened." Ezra whispered, sure to keep his voice down because he knew just how good Paul's hearing was as well and he didn't need to worry the shifter further.

"Ezra, you did amazing. Bella is fine. She's human, she's at prom. If you hadn't gotten there in time she would have died." Alice explained gently. "You saved her life."

"That's not what I mean. There was a woman. A Northern witch and I had seen her before, around town. She said Bella was cheating death and that even I 'can't interfere with fate forever'." Ezra explained all he could remember as his mind flicked back to the witch. If she was following him and he had no idea, who else could be doing the same?

He could be very well putting everyone around him at extreme risk. Especially if James attracted the attention of the Volturi. The rift between vampires and witches was as deep as ever. While the Volturi no longer actively sought out witches, they'd kill one on sight and even a rumor of a witch would bring them running to slaughter the witch and everyone who protected them.

Logically, the redhead wanted revenge and at that point, all she'd have to do would be whisper in the Volturi's direction.

"Don't invest too much in the crypticness of old witches. This is a good thing, Ezra. Your type is extremely rare and at this rate, you'll get a lot of offers for covens." Alice explained with a soft smile, pausing as she heard Paul coming back up the stairs. "Rest. We'll start practicing again in a week."

She passed Paul, ignoring the accusatory look he sent her. "Niki made chicken noodle."

"Thank you Paul." Ezra smiled, eagerly accepting the cup of soup to quell his painful hunger. "Lay with me. Please."

Paul swallowed thickly and walked around the bed, laying gently beside Ezra under the thick covers.

Ezra shifted carefully, turning so he could face the shifter.

"Do you trust me?" Ezra asked quietly, meeting Paul's intense eyes.

Paul answered instantly. "Without a doubt."

How pathetic. Ezra thought to himself. How pathetic indeed that Ezra found himself toppling for a boy that he'd do nothing but endanger. A boy that he'd have to leave behind one day.

"Then promise me you'll be careful," Ezra demanded, placing his hand over Pauls.

"Careful? Why?" He asked, voice tinged with worry.

"I worry. After we killed James I don't think things are going to look up for a while. Just be careful, alright?" Ezra didn't want to mention the witch. It was a dangerous thing to deny a witch's offer. It was seen as an insult to deny a coven offer but if it came between joining his species and saving a life, well he'd be alone forever then.

"You don't need to worry about all that." Paul assured him gently. "Just get some rest and relax. One thing at a time and right now you feeling better is more important."

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