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"i may be heartless but you're naive"
w o r d c o u n t : 1,495

Ezra let out a soft groan as he grabbed his incessantly ringing phone

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Ezra let out a soft groan as he grabbed his incessantly ringing phone. "Paul, is someone dying?" Ezra grunted.

He paused. "No. But Jake shifted. We're going over to his house and Sam was wondering if you'd check in on the Swan girl. It's too dangerous for Jake to be around her, especially since we can't tell her about all the pack mess."

"Yeah, of course. You know, I was thinking of opening up a halfway house for heartbroken teenagers and kids with shitty families. I already have a client base." Ezra pointed out as he tugged on his jeans and grabbed his jacket. Pads, not one to be left behind, clawed at his shoe before Ezra relented. He scooped up the cat and slid her into his pocket. "Nik, I'm going out. Make sure you get something to eat and drink at least a bottle of water. Love you."

Nik let out a loud groan that sounded vaguely like a 'love you, idiot' and Ezra made his way down to the jeep Emmett had left behind.

The Swan house was a modest, cute house with slightly chipping white paint and worn grey shingles, a police cruiser sitting in the driveway behind Bella's rust orange truck.

He knocked loudly on the door and quickly it swung open to reveal a tall man with the same dark hair as Bella and a thick mustache. He looked Ezra up and down, calculatingly. "Who are you?"

"I'm Ezra Pierce, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm a friend of Bella's and I was getting very worried for her." Ezra shook the police chief's hand.

"Pierce?" He echoed. "You were with the Cullens, weren't you. You bought their house." He accused and Ezra nodded.

"The deed was transferred to my name after they left. Not that I agree with what they did, of course." Ezra paused, clutching carefully to the takeout in his arms. "How's she doing?"

Charlie let out a harsh, bitter laugh. "How is she doing?" He echoed angrily. "How do you think she's doing? She wakes up screaming every night, she didn't talk, she didn't eat, she just sat at her window all goddamn day. She's better now, no thanks to your Cullens or you."

"I'm truly sorry, sir. Niki Black, Billy Black's niece is going through a rather similar situation and she's staying at the house with me and I've had my hands full." Ezra explained, watching the chief of police deflate against the doorframe.

"C'mon in," Charlie moved to the side, extending a hand to shake Ezra's. "I was friends with Nik's dad. Has she been having nightmares too?"

"Yes, sir. She spends her time partying though. Most likely the differences between hers and Bella's personalities. Nik is more extroverted." Ezra, setting the takeout on the table.

"You can call me Charlie." He said, lumbering over to the stairs and calling for Bella. "So, Ezra, what do you do?"

"Right now I'm doing some research into the history of Egyptian witches and I was thinking of publishing a research paper." Ezra explained, accepting the cup of coffee Charlie offered him as Bella shuffled down the stairs.

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