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"we are made of all those who have built and broken us."
w o r d c o u n t : 1,171

The relief that overwhelmed him was indescribable when he watched Niki get out of bed and eat of her own accord

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The relief that overwhelmed him was indescribable when he watched Niki get out of bed and eat of her own accord. She was healing and Ezra thanked whatever deity that was out there a thousand times.

Paul shuffled down the stairs, a soft grin tugging at his lips as he saw the two people he loved most in the world content and talking over coffee.

He wrapped his arms around Ezra's waist, pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips. "Ah, this is new." Nik remarked. "It's about damn time. I'm really happy for you two. But I'm only happy if I get to be best man at your wedding."

"Who else would it be? I don't have any better friend." Ezra laughed, relief filling his body at how accepting she was. He had an irrational fear that she'd be upset seeing any sort of relationship after Rosalie left. "You mean the world to me, Niki, I want you to know that. I've never had a better friend in my life. I love you."

"Who's dying?" She asked with a chuckle. "I love you too, Ez."

Ezra leaned forward. "I was thinking that since you're doing so well and Paul has patrol today we could go into Seattle and have a little shopping spree and I'll buy you something that I can enchant to keep you safe like I've been doing for everyone else. I've been selling essays for college students and I just finished a dissertation on the supernatural history of ancient Egypt and I got paid a good chunk of cash for it so we have some extra money."

Niki downed the last of her coffee. "That'd be wicked. Although lunch is on me in that case. I just gotta shower."

She bolted up the stairs and Paul took the chance to spin Ezra around, lifting him onto the counter and stepping between his legs, giving him a better vantage point to bring his lips to Ezra's. "Have I mentioned that you're amazing?" Paul muttered, snaking his arms around Ezra's waist. "Be careful, today. This town is just crawling with monsters."

"Oh please, when am I not careful? And the word monster is speciest. We're part of those 'monsters'." Ezra grinned cockily, pressing another chaste kiss to Paul's lips before hopping off the counter. Paul watched him with a fond grin. God, he was so in love with that dork. "You be careful too with that redhead. Just let Sam know if this goes any longer I get to help. One more week."

He made a bet with Sam after his help was initially denied by the pack in fear of him getting hurt, considering his imprint status. If they couldn't catch the redhead, Ezra got a chance to step in and help.

"Don't remind me." Paul grumbled, tugging Ezra into a tight hug and resting his chin on top of the boy's head. "It won't come to that. I won't let it." He kissed Ezra's hair as Nik shot down the steps.

"We're taking my car! Quit fucking each other and c'mon, Ezra!" Nik shouted, slamming the door behind her.

"I should go before Nik drags me out by my pubes." Ezra pressed another kiss to Paul's lips. "I'll see you tonight. I was thinking Chinese food and we could order some take out for Nik or maybe a pizza since she doesn't like Chinese."

"That sounds amazing." Paul swore that every time he kissed Ezra it was like the first time, with fireworks exploding in his stomach. "Now go. I'll see you tonight."

Ezra hurried out to the car where Nik was tapping her foot impatiently in the passenger's seat.

"Took you long enough." She huffed, her lip jutting out as she pouted. "Can we go to Nailha's. I know the chick that owns it and she's really cool. We can get a discount."

"What does she sell?" Ezra asked and Nik paused, glancing out the window for a moment.

"I'm not sure. Last time I was there I wasn't really occupied with her store if you know what I mean." Nik snickered at her own joke, slapping her knee. "God I'm funny."

Ezra sighed, glancing back toward the road.

"But truly, she's a really nice girl, we're actually going on a date next tuesday." Niki explained and Ezra gasped, turning to look at her.

"Oh Nik, I'm so happy for you. Is she nice? Does she like pasta? Can we invite her over for dinner?" Ezra asked eagerly, hearing Nik laugh.

"One step at a time."

Niki gave him directions to Nailha's and the two pulled into the parking lot. The inside was brightly lit, appearing as though it was a library turned into a store. Shelves grasped at the ceilings and were piled with merchandise labeled with the decades, starting from the 50s and advancing to the current style.

"This place is amazing." Ezra noted, glancing around the shop. It wasn't huge but it was big enough for a complete fashion line, female and male, for each decade. "You know the woman that owns it?"

As if summoned by the mention, a tall woman brushed from the back of the room. Ezra could see her allure, with a bright red hijab framing her round face, with almond shaped hazel eyes framed with long lashes slathered with mascara. She had perfect winged eyeliner behind thick glasses yet her clothes were crumpled and there was a coffee stain near the collar of her jacket and her ankle-length skirt was slightly askew.

"Nik," The woman's smile lit up her face as she stepped forward, hugging Nik briefly. "Who's your friend? He's adorable."

"Nailha, this is Ezra Pierce. Ez, this is Nailha. Ezra's my best friend slash roommate, slash babysitter, slash designated driver, slash life coach." Niki introduced and Nailha shifted the clothes in her arms, waving slightly.

"You two need help looking for anything specific?" Nailha asked eagerly, heading behind the counter to put the clothes away.

"I'm thinking a bracelet," Nik muttered, more to herself than anything. Ezra leaned against the counter, watching as Nik flirted with Nailha while simultaneously looking for a nice bracelet.

Before his very eyes, Ezra could see Niki returning to her former self in a sense.  While she was still rather reserved from the cruel words Rosalie had spouted in an attempt to get Nik to forget her more easily, which backfired rather drastically and made Nik hate herself that much more.

He got a bitter sense of joy from the scene.  As much as he had loved the Cullens, he was angry that they left and had treated human life with such flippancy.  But against everything, he smiled.  They were flourishing without them.

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