previously titled beserk
A young gay witch with deadly powers on the fringe is traveling the U.S. in search of a substitute for suppressing his magic and a way to control his powers. Ezra Pierce was born into a religiously strict family with no one...
"i didn't see his beauty, i felt it, as plainly as the sun." w o r d c o u n t : 1,190
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Ezra rubbed the hem of his sweater between two fingers, attempting vaugly to distract himself from the nerves rattling in his stomach. He never wanted to involve the pack with his problems. He didn't even want to involve the Cullens with his problems. But with the Cullens up and leaving and the Quilietes becoming Forks' primary line of defense, they had to know.
"I know you all want to know what's going on and I'm sorry I didn't tell you all before. But there was no need to involve you with my mess. Until now." Ezra clasped his hands together behind his back to keep them from shaking. "You five know that I'm a part of a dying breed."
In the last month, another boy had shifted, younger than Paul yet older than Embry. Brady Fuller, a quiet, recklessly impulsive boy and he watched Ezra with wide curious eyes.
"There are very little witches left, myself included, and they tend to stick to California. But when I went to Jacksonville with Bella and before I got to her, another witch stopped me. And I realized she had been following me and I don't know how many more are doing the same. I'm telling you this because I need you to be safe. Anyone staring at you too long, anyone that seems off, I beg that you go the other way. I'm going to be doing as much research as I can into the California covens and witches in general." Ezra explained and Sam interjected.
"And if we cant? Go the other way. How do we fight them?" Sam asked gruffly, glancing at his pack members briefly.
"You'll need to be quick. Usually, a witch will go for their most powerful attack to stun you before going in for the kill. If you ever let them regain footing you will die. But there's something else. They seem to think I have some sort of grand fate or something and I think something more dangerous is coming. Witches have a telltale sign. Something we all have passed down from our ancestors. A small birthmark, just on the back side of the neck. It looks different for every class but it's always there. If you ever see someone or even think you do. Call me, please. Alright?" Ezra watched them all and instantly he knew Paul wouldn't call him. He wouldn't want to put Ezra in danger that he believed he could take out on his own. "Paul, promise me that you'll call me. I need you to promise me."
Paul stared at him begrudgingly, caving in less than a minute. "I promise, Ez. As long as you promise to be careful if it happens."
"I promise." Ezra breathed, swallowing thickly as he grasped his jacket and allowed Pads to crawl up his arm and tuck away in his jacket pocket. "I gotta go. I don't want to leave Nik alone for too long and I have to go grocery shopping. Nik's been eating Kraft mac and cheese for every meal for three weeks and it's gotten concerning. I'll see you guys later. And no matter what time it is, call me, no matter what."
"We will, Ezra," Sam promised with the only attempt at a smile Ezra had seen outside smiling at Emily. "Thank you for telling us. And be careful out there."
"Only if you do the same."
Ezra headed to the store, driving one of the multiple cars that family had left behind to the only grocery store in Forks, a small mini-mart run by a kind middle-aged couple.
He didn't stop until the cart was overflowing with good, healthy meals, then he bought a good amount of liquor since Nik and Ezra made their way through the Cullen's liquor cart, mainly for decoration.
After that, he went to a seedier part of Seattle, the kind of place he used to thrive. He invested in a good fake I.D., made some new, probably dangerous friends, and Pads enjoyed all the attention he got from the group who didn't usually get to enjoy the more expensive things of life, like pets.
The cat had been a little neglected lately, not getting the attention he usually received because of everything that had been going on since Jacksonville so Ezra had been making an effort to keep the cat around him more.
Ezra checked out and headed home, or the closest thing to a home he had ever had in his entire life. The Cullen house was becoming his home more and more every day, especially with Nik and Paul living there as well.
When he arrived there was a handful of young adults, not quite teenagers but not quite adults, milling around the house, drinking, screaming over the blaring music, grinding on one another.
"Ezzie!" Nik shrieked, throwing herself drunkly at the witch. Ezra grabbed her quickly to keep her from falling, holding her tight. "So glad you could make it. Guys this is my friend, Ezra! He's amazing."
"Nik, what are these people doing here?" Ezra demanded as he scooped up his bags, carrying them to the overflowing kitchen. He began to quickly put groceries away while keeping people out of the cabinets and making sure no one threw up in the sink. Well, any more than they already had.
"C'mon, Ez, I just wanted to have a party." Nik pouted and Ezra rolled his eyes.
"Did you lock the bedroom doors?" He asked and the girl nodded eagerly.
"Of course, I know how to throw a party." Nik snorted, grabbing one of the bottles of liquor Ezra bought and unscrewed the top. She chugged it for a moment before pouring it into a dangerously low bowl of what looked to be spiked punch.
"Just know that you have to clean all this up tomorrow. And you can't use maid to get out of it." Ezra grabbed a bottle of vodka and a carton of orange juice from the fridge to take up to his room. "Keep them out of the fridge, alright? I spent too much today and I'm not going to go grocery shopping for at least three more weeks." He paused, sighing deeply. "Be careful, Niki."
"You got it, captain." Nik saluted before turning back to the island where someone had set out shots.
Ezra headed up to his room after making sure all the bedroom doors were locked and no horny kids could do anything in the empty beds. Padfoot leaped free from Ezra's pocket and bolted under the bed.
He poured the vodka into a cup, adding a bit of orange juice and sitting down in his bed, grabbing the book on Eastern witches for another reread.
special shoutouts to chalamettim who comments on every single chapter and kookie_kub. Comments like theirs motivate the hell out of me and keep me writing and publishing chapters as quickly as I can. With school coming up my updates are going to get very sparse and for that, I apologize in advance.