previously titled beserk
A young gay witch with deadly powers on the fringe is traveling the U.S. in search of a substitute for suppressing his magic and a way to control his powers. Ezra Pierce was born into a religiously strict family with no one...
"what a treacherous thing it is to believe that a person is more than a person" w o r d c o u n t : 1,055
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He had to get away. The constant arguing of the vampires that clashed like thunder put his stress levels through the roof and his powers on the fringe, adding lightning to the storm welling in the Cullen home.
As it turned out, Niki was thinking the same. She had been calming Rosalie for weeks until the girl got so mad she had to go out and hunt, leaving Niki with relatively no company so it was rather easy to convince the girl to give him a ride to the store.
Edward had become swiftly enamored with a young human girl, the chief of police's daughter none the less.
She was his blood singer and from what Ezra heard, her blood was incredibly tempting to everyone. Jasper even had to switch three classes because he couldn't be in the same room as her.
Rosalie was pissed. By being with a human he was putting their entire family at risk. The Volturi would slaughter them all for the crimes of one.
She claimed Niki was a different case. She had grown up in the world of the supernatural and she didn't have to be told that Rosalie was a vampire.
But Bella Swan seemed special. Edward's mind reading gift didn't extend to the odd human. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get a glimpse into her mind.
Carlisle had given him a credit card in case he needed anything or wanted to order pizza so Ezra decided he would go to the store and grab a few pots and some plants to put in them.
Browsing the aisles, Ezra could feel the plants practically calling for him, much like the often did in his presence. The Earth's children recognized him and some swore they saw the plants leaning to his touch.
Ezra missed Paul. He missed texting him but Alice was right, it couldn't go any farther. He could kill Paul and he would never ever forgive himself if he did.
He pushed Niki in a large pallet cart, her only condition to come with him to the store. He had already gotten some clay pots varying in sizes and Esme excitedly gave him an area in the backyard. She had grown some flowers in the past but they had no real use for fruits and vegetables, plus it was very hard to make them grow without some 'help' in a town like Forks.
A hunched older woman glanced at them with a bewildered look, watching Ezra push Niki down the aisle and Ezra snorted at the look on her face.
Ezra bought a cute little fence and an overwhelming amount of plants, herbs, fruits, vegetables, and a few things to experiment with. Sage was meant to ward off the ghosts of the dead, patchouli to avert vampires, verbena to get rid of werewolves, mint for sirens and so forth.
"Are you sure you can take care of all this?" Niki asked as they began to check out.
Ezra looked almost insulted as he swiped the credit card. "It's in my nature. Our kind is born from the Earth and we will return to the Earth. And on our time away from her, her other children recognize us and they're drawn to us. No matter what side we are from, every single one of us has an inherent connection with nature."
"Wicked," Niki commented as he wheeled the cart out to her car. "What's the point of being a witch if you can't magic all of this into your car?"
"Honestly?" Ezra sighed as he began to pack the cars. "I don't know. Witches that hail from the North sometimes can be gifted with air and can manipulate it around them. So hypothetically I guess they could." He slammed the trunk closed and climbed into the front seat. Niki slipped into the driver and shifted into gear.
"Like Avatar the last Airbender?" She questioned with a smirk, laughing as Ezra huffed. "What are you?"
Ezra slid his credit card into the tight leather of his new wallet and crammed it into his pocket. "Alice tells me I have one of the rarest specials. Witches of the West manipulate light and the purest form of that comes as lightning. There isn't a class rarer."
"So you're like the avatar to them?" Niki asked, tapping her fingers lightly against the steering wheel as it began to rain.
Ezra finally caved to her analogy, "Yeah, sure. I'm like the Avatar."
When they finally reached the Cullen home, Emmett was outside waiting for them with a wide grin, his arms crossed over his chest and his muscles rippling.
"Rose and Eddie are having one hell of a fight. He almost revealed himself to the entire school. She ripped his hand off and now he's with the Danalis and Rose is locked in her room." Emmett explained, grinning quickly. "Let's get this show on the road."
Effortlessly he scooped up the wooden fence that Ezra chose and began to set it up around the area Ezra and Esme had previously blocked off.
"How exactly did Edward reveal himself?" Ezra asked curiously as he and Emmett hauled the plants into the yard to be planted.
"There was a crash at school. Some boy almost hit Bella with his car. Of course, our dear Eddie had to play superman. He crossed the lot in half a second and stopped a van with his bare hands." Emmett explained, his voice the most serious that Ezra had ever heard it. "He risked exposing us to the entire school and getting us all killed by the Volturi. Including you and Niki. The Italians aren't the most forgiving type."
"At least he didn't let her die. Jasper wouldn't have been able to control himself and he would have done far more to expose you. And if Edward had exposed you you'd know it by now." Ezra pointed out as helpfully as he could.
"Rose is still pissed. Hopefully, Nik can talk her down and she won't rip off any other appendages." Emmett grinned. "You all set here?"
"Yeah, I'm good, thanks for your help, Emmett." Ezra smiled as the man jogged up the steps.
"No problem, Ez. You're a part of the family now."