A Grand Day Out

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The Thane smiled and cocked his head. " And who is this? I believe we haven't met."

Lacy hid behind Jack. "I don't like him."

Jess stepped towards The Thane. "So, what are you doing here? Clearly our meeting wasn't coincidental."

He chuckled. "Of course not. Nothing is ever coincidental when you travel through time. Although the Doctor may state otherwise..." 

"So why are you here? Why do you seem to be following me around?"

The Thane reached out and grasped Jess's hand. He spun her towards him and dipped her low. 

"You see, Miss Daniels, you have something I want. But you always manage to lose me just as I find you. We've been doing this dance through several centuries of time. And now that I have finally caught you, you will give me what I want."

"Well," Jess smirked. "If it is a dance you are looking for, I am afraid I have to tell you something."

She swung around, reversing the situation. As she dipped the Thane, a look of suprise came across his face. She smiled and let out a breath.

"I only dance the guy's part."

He sputtered and wriggled, trying to free himself from Jess's grip. She let go of him, and he landed on the ground with a thud. She dusted herself off and sauntered off, calling to her brother. 

"Well don't just stand there! I plan on enjoying myself while we are here."

Jack appeared at her side. "What the bloody hell was that? Who was that guy?"

Nicki draped her arms across their shoulders.

"Jack, you have just met the Thane, a really nasty piece of work."

"And apparently he is the ultimate stalker! Jess, I want you to stay away from him."

She shot him a look. "I am afraid that is nigh on impossible. He knows practically everything about me! You heard him. He somehow knows how to follow me."

Jack sighed. "So I guess we just met our arch nemesis."

Lacey shook her head. "You two have how many enemies?"

"He takes the cake. I really don't like that guy."

"Well he seems fascinated by your sister. I don't know why, though. No one does."

"Brother of mine, he is the least of our worries. Nicki and I met his sister."

Jack stopped in his tracks. "The Empress? I thought she was a myth. Or at least, a story our dad told us to make us behave."

Jess shook her head. "Nope. She's real. And so is her temper."

"But I thought she was destroyed long ago. Didn't the stories say that she was killed by a Timelord?"

"You know as well as I do that stories are just that--stories. Who knows what really happened."

Lacey suddenly raised her hand. "I have an idea!"

"You do realise that you don't have to raise your hand, right?"

She let her hand drop. "Sorry. The Professor got that drilled into my head. Anyways, history can always be changed, right? So Why don't we? We could befriend the Thane and the Empress in order to stop those terrible things from happening."

Jack smiled. "That's a great idea. And we can protect the world from that one Timelord we heard about. You know, the one that befriended the Empress and then--"

"Then set all those horrible events in motion? Yeah. we could stop that from happening. If we become friends with those two, maybe we can prevent them from befriending that guy."

Nicki bit her thumb as she thought. "But where can we assure i first meeting for them?"

Jess smiled. "We'll have to do some digging. Anyone feel like paying our dear uncle a visit?"

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