The organization

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"Nerima, Itabashi, Kita are under control of Yamra, as you know they're spreading influence to Adachi, Arakawa. East Tokyo is under control of Yakuza. The relationship between them is not good at the moment, unlike them, we're making deals with Yakuza and so far it's going well" the meeting begins, one of the men, explaining situation between organizations in Tokyo. Yamra; controlling north wards, lead by your brother, Ivan. Yakuza; notorious mafia, controlling east. Le Milieu, controlling south, the organization for which you work now. 

"critical areas are borders between Suginami, Nakano, Adachi, Arakawa, Shinjuku and Toshima"

"Suginami and Nakano are still Yamra's but we are slowly getting it, you can see here" the man shows numbers.

"at the time, the most important area is Toshima. As you already know, Toshima combine of our, Yamra's and Yakuza's territory. It's one of most international wards in Tokyo, a lot of rich foreigners come there, especially to its Ikebukuro due to being commercial and entertainment center of Toshima. Party drugs and hallucinogens are popular, gambling and prostitution are very profitable as well"

"In general is Toshima good transport path between organizations, we want to keep it that way"

"Awakusu-Kai is with us. Everything works on negotiation and clear borders, but Yamra's are violating that, they're spreading, spreading on the wrong territory, that's why Yakuzas are willing to stand on our side, they won't involve directly, but they are willing to back us up if that will stop Yamra's aggressive politic of spreading territory on Adachi and Arakawa"

"Toshima is generally important for Yamra, due to the strong entertainment industry, gambling, drugs, prostitution"

"They're strong in drugs. They invented new pill, so called blue pill, highly addictive and sells good, they sell other stuff as said before, party drugs, cocaine, psychedelic drugs and of course heroine, there are others, but those give them most of the profit"

"gambling is under their control, the problem is that they got license for legal gambling, it won't take long that they'll move from underground gambling to legal"

"Due to successful drug and gambling industry, they're stronger in prostitution, they're returning back to old original methods" You listen to him with interest. Old methods? Sex slaves? At once you break pen. You look at your hand and broken pen.

"they've gotten stronger in it these past months, they managed to success really fast due to connections and rich clients"

"luckily  Awakusu-Kai control most of the clubs in Toshima, that's slowing them down, since drugs can't get sold directly. We already started to compete with drug sale, but we do need formula for the blue pill to win drug battle"

"they are strongest at gambling, it's all connected. But we have a plan about that as well..." the man keeps explaining.

"that's all" after a while the meeting ends and people start to leave, Luke hints you to wait. You walk to him and seat on the desk then wait for everyone to leave.

"Stressful?" he looks at you and you nod, visibly in a bad mood.

"yeah, but could be worst"

"exactly" he smirks "so today you'll meet the team" he pours himself a glass of whiskey "how do you feel about that?"

"it doesn't matter how I feel, as long as I achieve what I want" slightly upset you think about new information that you heard during the meeting.

"it does matter" he puts the glass down and looks at you. 

"sure, whatever" resentful and revolted by the idea that Ivan might return back to sex trafficking.

"Hey!" suddenly Luke grabs your arm and dismayed you look at him 

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