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Heavy curtains on the windows of empty apartment flapping in wind. It seems the windows are open and restless breeze turns into unsteady blows of wind, whistling across the bedroom. The room is cold, the blanket keeps the warmth which keeps you safe from unwanted coldness. Tired you move eyes and slowly open them. For a moment everything gets blur and the picture before your eyes shake, being unclear. Everything seems unfamiliar quickly changing in familiar shapes and objects, it's your bedroom, your apartment.

For a moment you close eyes and think, instead it feels like every thought slowly slips away and gets incomprehensible. For a bit longer you just stay under the blanket, as a random piece of information flashes in your mind, distorted move, a quick sound, mumbled word, blur image.

There's a sound of someone talking in next room, behind the closed door. You stand up and get to the door, slowly opening it. You glance outside and notice a familiar figure.

There's Klauss, he's seating behind the table, with a glass of whiskey in his hand and a book in his other; Beyond pleasure and principle. You walk out to him, you stop and look at him, he lifts eyes from the book and hangs it.

"This was before your door" he puts the book on the table and closes it. A bit disorientated you walk to the table and take a seat, leaning hand on your forehead.

"having a headache?" he sips drink calmly.

"yes, something like that" you close and at once remember parts of yesterday; lights, music, screams, rapid movement.

"what are you doing here?" you glance at him.

"what happened-?" slightly you expire "Tamaki-" in disbelief you look at Klauss again, terror over your face. At once you glance around and stand up.

"Aoi?" you look around as Klauss observes you, tilting head.

"there's only the two of us" he says and you look back at him.

"-Klauss, what happened yesterday?"

"as you might recall, there was unfortunate event between you and Tamaki"

"unfortunate event?" you repeat upset "don't!" you raise voice then pause "don't-" you try to calm "-embellish the truth"

"...someone carried me outside before-?" worried you try to remember "it felt like Aoi-" you say in a mumble.

"Rei came before anything could of happen" says Klauss and at his words you relax.

"that prick" you say upset "he tried to assault me-" you narrow eyes "I'll kill him- I'll fucking kill him" upset you hit hand at the table.

"what was he thinking!" you look at Klauss "the hell was I thinking?" you run hand on your forehead "why am I still so naive.." you chuckle to yourself in self mock.

"Rei came after me?" in disbelief you glance at Klauss again.

"yes" Klauss puts the glass down "Tamaki will take responsibility for his actions"

"This can't be happening" you think again, the fact that he tried to rape you, you take a deep breath, trying to get in terms with facts.

"Azza" Klauss tries to calm you.

"I need some time alone"

"Azza-" at his words you look at him.

"who's Aoi?" for a moment you stare at him then glance aside.

"Please, leave" you interrupt, your voice intense due to being upset.

"as you desire" he stands up. You think again.

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