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Viggo clutched his chest, knowing something was wrong

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Viggo clutched his chest, knowing something was wrong. Almost like a slash of a knife, and he even had to look down to his chest to make sure he was not injured.

He was not.

If the pain did not come from him, there were only a few reasons for ulfhednars to feel this sort of pain. It was either their máni, or their child. His moon was dead, so it could only be his child. His daughter, Iona.

The pain felt distant, not coming from him. There should not be a bond between Viggo and his daughter, unless her wolf had fully grown. 

Immediately scolding himself, he knew he should have searched for his máni more. He should have been there to stop her from pushing their daughter's second skin away. Now Iona's wolf had began to push forward and the things most pups had years to prepare for, were all coming down on her in one wave. 

Iona's mother, Viggo's máni had given their daughter wolfsbane from a very young age, to build a wall between Iona's ulfhednar nature from her human nature. Wolfsbane was poisonous for humans, and could be lethal to ulfhednars as well. Given in small doses, the plant stopped an ulfhednar from reaching for their beast. 

Viggo never truly learned the whole truth about Iona's mother's hatred for her own kind. He knew she came from a pack down South, and seemed always scared near the völva of their pack. 

Völva - a witch, lived among the pack to bring wisdom, prophets and her healing skills. Most völvas were old, covered in their wrinkles, tattooed runes and scars. This particular völva was old too, but had an apprentice. A boy born to a powerful völva, so he had the powers as well. A man practicing sorcery was very frowned upon in the human towns, but the wolfs did not care. 

Rubbing at his chest again, he realized the pain was only getting worse. Iona must be in a bad condition. It was beginning to burn, badly. This was bad, he knew it, and he knew he had to go get her. Cursing silently, he knew he would have to ask for the Alpha's permission first.

Faster than an eagle hunting for prey he made his way towards the great hall, where the Alpha always was. Running and weaving through the thick woods, he quickly reached his destination.

Viggo did not bother knocking, the Alpha had become accustomed to Viggo's visits during the past few months. So, he burst in to the Alpha's room and interrupted whatever the Alpha was doing.

"Alpha, she is in pain. Her wolf is growing stronger, but the bond is still too weak for me to tell why she is in pain. All I know, is that it is bad," Viggo's stance screamed warrior, but his voice told how on the edge he and his beast were. Worry flashed in his eyes, a deep burn made his blue eyes shine brighter, but with a promise of vengeance to the one who caused his child pain.

He never got to know her personally, but he loved her. He was her father, and he would be there for her, he would not fail her again.

Setting aside his previous tasks, the Alpha stood. Flexing his muscles, proving his dominance and authority over Viggo easily, he ground out, "And what do you wish to do about it?"

The Alpha, no matter how he was younger than most in his position, had a clear mind and always thought of the safety of his pack above all else. The girl was pack, but only by blood bond to a pack member.  She was not a fully bonded member of Thurisaz.

"I want to go and bring my daughter, where she belongs," Viggo said, posture puffed, teeth clenched and hands twitching in to fists.

"She is married to a Jarl, and pregnant with his child."

"Then, let me go and at least see for myself what is causing her so much pain?" He interjected.


The Alpha stood still, eyes on the ground while his mind was at work. Calculating the risks of Viggo leaving the borders, the threats to the pack, he saw no reason why he would not allow the father to leave.

A nod, was all it took. Viggo made his way towards the outskirts of the "town" of their pack. The center of life amongst their people.

Starting his journey with a jog, he brought bounce in to his steps. Then, he increased his speed, and jumped over a fallen tree.

Bones cracked, fur replaced skin, growls replaced huffs of a man on a mission. His fur was missing patches, showing everyone else how seasoned he was, how skilled he was. He had survived many fights and showed it on his fur and skin. The fur was grey, almost silver in certain light, but bits of black, brown and white decorated it as well. 

Lifting his head up high towards the night sky, a howl was released from deep inside of him. The howl spoke with reassurance to his daughter. Alarmed her of her rescue.

Viggo ran for what felt days, but was only a few hours, guessing by the position of the moon. He ran as fast as he could, but felt no exhaustion. He was pumped in his own adrenaline, his beast giving him strength as well.

When he saw the torches of the town, he called for his human skin again.

His sharp teeth became dull again, his ears dropped all their fur away and sunk lower on his head. His nose and mouth became two separate parts of his face again. His bones cracked and snapped in to a new position, the human form of an ulfhednar. 

Now, to find something to cover myself with. 

Sneaking through the town, Viggo found an empty home and went in. Candles had just been put out, for the candle wax was still hot on the table under the lantern. Coals were still warm, and from the state of the house, he suspected the humans living in it were coming back soon. 

Looking around, he found what he was looking for. A big chest, made of  oak, neatly placed just beside the bed. A beautiful piece of crafting, he thought. 

Stealing a pair of grey wool trousers and a blood red wool tunic, he left his feet bare and left the house. His mission urged him on and a scratching at the back of his head made him even more aware of the pain his daughter was in. 

He was anxious, and so was his beast. 


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