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His pathetic pleads, screams and cries for any sort of help were irritating me. He knew what he had done, he knew this was coming, and that he deserved it.

No Gods would be here today to help him and if there were, I would be the one they would have to get past by first.

I seek revenge for my lover, the future mother of my children.
I seek revenge for our son, the life that never got to know what it is like to breath the northern air.
I seek revenge for my family, a woman who was robbed of her choices, tortured and humiliated.

This is His trial, his victims as the Jury.

And I am his executioner.

Two of our warriors were dragging Jarl Hall from the Long Hall towards our platform of punishment. The vile man tried to fight his way out, but a man is no match for a beast.

Two wooden pilars were standing tall and mighty on the platform, waiting for the shaking hands of the Jarl himself. The platform a simple square, and each four points held a torch to light our punishment.

"No, no no! NO! Iona please!" he screamed when passing the crowds. My beautiful máni in the mids of it, but she did not give him what he hoped.

A salvation.

There was no salvation for rapists and monsters, not in Our World.

Iona merely shrugged her shoulders, tilted her head towards me to signal our warriors to carry on. She then turned to follow behind them.

Hall was strapped from his hands on to the two pilars, and left to wait. His eyes bulging out of their sockets in fear of what is to come.

He knows.

My beautiful máni walked to stand next to me, but not before capturing my face in her delicate hands and pulling me down for a chaste kiss. Smiling encouragingly to me, she turned to face the crowd. 

''Most of you, if not all know who I am. I was the wife of your Jarl, a man who some deemed worthy to lead us, but some of you know better. Some of you know what he does behind closed doors. 

''I was barely sixteen years of age when I was sold to be his bride, by a mother who did not know any better. I caved with blind innocence, but was quickly shown what he really was. He took pleasure in torturing me, and I know he took pleasure in torturing some of you as well. You do not need to come forward, but if you wish to speak with me, seek me out after the execution is performed'', she spoke bravely. Chest puffed to show she was not ashamed of her past, shoulders wide and pulled back with pride of what she had become. 

My beast and I were proud to call her our female. 

Rumbles of pride rushed from my chest before I could stop them, and she turned to scold me with her eyes. Later, they promised. 

The Viking's BeastWhere stories live. Discover now