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The Alpha was restless. Egil was never restless, never.

Mere minutes before he got the word of Viggo's return with his daughter, Egil began to pace. The beast was clawing, scratching, biting, snarling and growling against the walls Egil had build, trying to break free.

The strings were thin, but he held on to them for dear life. The last time he lost control, he was but a young boy, less than full year's worth of shifting behind him. He killed a pack member by accident, and so vowed to never lose control again.

It must be the worry for his new pack member. She is pack by blood, so perhaps Egil is already feeling his duties as her Alpha. Or maybe there is a threat against the pack, he does not know about?

No, this was different. He just knew it.

This did not feel like a consern towards those under his care. He even felt for the bond formed with each and every one of his pack members, and sensed the warmth, telling him they were all alright.

Fuck it!

Storming out of his quarters, he left the pack's town hall. Weaving through the huts, cots and houses of his territory, he arrived at the small, old hut.

Smoke escaped the hut through a small hole in the roof, and the surroundings were well kept with self-planted herbs and flowers. The dead giveaway of a pack völva.

There was also another figure there, pacing in the nearby treeline. Instead of walking the rest of the way to the hut, he approached the man.


The man snapped his head towards his Alpha, and for the first time in a long time, the Alpha saw fear in Viggo's eyes. The beast usually so fearless, was now trembling.

"She- oh Gods," Viggo could not hold his own weight any longer, and fell to his knees on the ground. Quiet sobs escaped his lips, in fear of losing yet another loved one.

Crouching down next to the grieving man, Egil placed his hand on his shoulder and gave Viggo a reassuring tap. "Take a deep breath. Now, tell me what happened?"

Slow breaths, in and out. Viggo tried to pull himself together as best as he could, and retold everything to the Alpha.

The Alpha listened with care, and felt anger building inside of him for what he heard. Growls espaced him and his beast, and his blood boiled. No one should be treated like that, thrown out like that, bleeding.

The Alpha held his pack member, a father, and told him how everything would be alright. They stayed like that for a while, until a scream broke through from inside the hut.

The scream pierced both of their hearts, Viggo with faternal worry, and Egil with a sensation he had never felt before.

He had held on to his beast the best he could before, but now it was as if all broke loose. In a blink of an eye he was standing outside the hut, and finally took a whiff of the air.

No, no way.

Yes. The smell he caught, was one he had smelt before, years ago, but never found the source. He knew even then, that the smell was his máni, his soulmate.

The smell was a mixture of fresh fallen snow and harebells. Not usually one for the smell of flowers, but this one was nearly taking his breath away.

Storming inside the hut, he found the völva and her apprentice working on a shaking body. They had stitched her lower abdomen close, and while the witch was working on placing oils and scents around the table, the apprentice was wrapping his máni's wound up.

The beast inside immediately submitted to Egil, for he was too heartbroken to carry on.

Dropping to his knees, just as Viggo had not long ago, a pained whine got out and traveled to Iona's ears. Her beast recognized their soulmate and even in their sleepy state, they turned her head to reach for him. Egil rushed to her side, clutching her small, delicate hand in his calloused ones, and kissed the back of it.

"Minn máni," Egil whispered.

"What?!" Egil had not heard Viggo come in as well, but paid no mind to him anymore. She was the only thing that mattered now.

"It appears, we have just saved our Alpha Female's life," Gudrun said, a small satisfied smile on her wrinkly lips.

Egil did not care for what they were saying, but took the time to examine his máni.

Her hair, long and kissed by fire, had fallen around her unique shaped face in small waves, probably from the braid she must have had earlier.
Her jaw was sharp with feminine features to it, her cheekbones round and skin soft. Her lips, full, red and puckered in to a small frown, as if she was thinking something very hard.

Egil traced his finger over her lips, and she immediately relaxed.

Gazing lower, he saw her body. She was tall, but not nearly as tall as him. Her skin was all bare, only her most intimate parts had been covered with rags. Still, he could see that her figure was something he would enjoy once she was all healed.

Most ulfhednar females were in a good shape, but they were mostly covered by muscle. Iona, well. She had curves and Egil had to restain himself from touching her.

Some day, once she was fully healed and marked to him, he would mate her, and would linger on every part of her body. Just to show her how much
he valued his máni, his moon.

"Alpha," Gudrun adressed him. He gave no indication that he was listening to her, but she knew he was. "I take it, that you will stay here to watch over her?"

A stiff nod was all he had time to do, before Viggo stepped in.

"No!" Egil growled viciously to the father of his soulmate. Ulfhednars were extremely protective of their mánis and would do anything for them.

"Trying to take her away from me, is that wise, old man?" a malicious smile crept over Egil's face.

"Old man? Alpha, listen to me! She does not know about us. About what we are!"

Oh. Yes, well that will be a small complication.

"Besides that, she was forced to marry a man before, forced to live with him. He was abusive in many different ways, and that counts rape. If you tell her what we are, or what you are to her, do you honestly think she will welcome you with open arms?"

The truth finally sank in. Egil looked down upon his máni, with a sad smile. He did not want to lose her, he had just found her. He wanted her to be his, but not through force.

"Very well, Viggo. I will keep my distance, I will give her time. But, she needs to know what she is. I do not care how you do it, but she will not be going back to that town, back to him!" The last words were spoken with a growl, from just the thought of that man putting his hands upon her again.

Viggo laughed, "well, Alpha. That is were we both agree."


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