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The initiation to the Pack was today

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The initiation to the Pack was today. Everyone had been filled with joy when they heard one of their long lost pups was finally going to be initiated in to their family.

The Pack is more than just members in a group, looking out for one another. They love each other like family, each and every single one of them is considered a relative, blood or not.

The initiation was supposed to be the day after Iona returned from the Woods with a máni by her side. But, the quarrel with her father, and the quick need for a hut made it too hectic to be held at that time. Egil thought it was for the best to call it off for the time being. Now, a week later and here they were.

The small clearing on the outskirts of their Pack, was lined with torches, Thurizas runes, herbs, and a boulder working as a table for the bowl and knife needed for the ritual.

Iona was only instructed to dress in white. The color would hold a meaning to the whole ritual, representing her as a pure, unmarked, ulfhednar. Only after the ritual is done, would she be marked as someone belonging in to their Pack, in to their ætt.

The dress she wore was simple and plain. Made out of cotton, easy to slip on and cascading down in a straight A-line until reaching above her ankles. Her feet bare as they always were after her journey began, feet scrubbed almost raw, same as her skin. She had to be clean, pure for the initiation.


Her beautiful, fire red hair seemed to have a life of its own when any light hit it. Moon, fire, sun, did not matter. It came alive. Flowing freely down her shoulders and her back, only a few braids coming from her hairline in to the back of her head. No beads, no runes, not yet.

When the night arrived and darkness fell, the moon was enough to light up Iona's way to the clearing. The darkness, and the light of the moon held yet another meaning for the initiation. Their beasts were creatures of the Night, lovers of the Moon, and servants of the Gods.

As she walked, she along with her beast were becoming covered in their own excitement, the anticipation to be a part of something. They felt out of place for far too long, it was time to be a part of a family once again.

The clearing was filled with all the Pack. They surrounded her and the place for the ritual, where her máni was already waiting for her. Their eyes met, and she saw pride in Egil's eyes. She did not know it yet, bug Egil felt proud to soon call her His in front of all the Pack.

Examining the faces of all the ulfhednars around her, she saw some familiar faces. Her father and brother at first, who both smiled at her. She returned the smile even though she still could not let go of the bitterness in her heart. Then as she was passing more and more faces by, she saw the völva who saved her, as well as her apprentice. She had gone back to thank them at some point after her recovery from the hands of her former husband, so she was already familiar with the faces of these two.

She saw the little girl she had ran in to two moons ago, when the girl was running from her older brother who threathned her with tickles. Chuckling at the memory, she moved on with a smile on her face.

She took small, steady steps towards Egil, who would truly become her Alpha today. He grazed her with a proud, loving smile still. Only if she knew how proud he was to add her in to their ætt, and to have her in his life. He was thanking the Gods every day, and would continue to do so every day for the rest of his life.

No words were needed, as she stepped on to the other side of the boulder, so that she was facing him. The bowl was in the center of the boulder, waiting for her blood, as well as his.

Soon, Egil extended a hand for her to give him hers, and as she did, he took the knife. Cutting her palm just enough to spill blood, he placed it right above the bowl. As the bowl began to fill from her blood, he repeated the same action on his own hand. Slicing his palm, spilling blood, filling the bowl.

Mixing the blood of the both of them, with his finger, he then proceeded to draw the Thurizas rune on her chest. Then, he took what used to be white paint, but had now been turned pink because of the animal blood and spit mixed in to it.

Ægishjálmrm, The Helm of Awe is a symbol formed from different runes, and gives the ultimate protection. It also shows the person's dominance and ability to rise fear in others. The power of the symbol is far more powerful, if mixed with blood or spit. That is why Egil did just that, and drew it on her forehead.

The ritual seemed like it had nothing to do with bonding her in to the pack, and it did not, not yet. The first part of the initiation was just giving her protection, presenting her to the Gods as the next Pack member. All of the Pack would soon join them, one by one dropping a little blood from their thumb in to the same bowl.

The family of ulfhednars approached Iona like predators sneaking up on a deer. One by one, they each sliced their thumb on the blade Egil held, and tapped the little drop of life from their veins, in to the bowl.

Each member performed their first duty, before moving on to the next task. Five at a time, they dipped one finger in to the bowl, and began drawing symbols in to her dress. Then, they would lick the finger, so they would have her blood in them, in their memory, in their soul.

Retreating back to form the large circle they had first been in, they could see Iona. All of her. The red symbols, runes and markings on her dress told a story. Her past, her present, and her future as they predicted it would be.

Once all the Pack was done, she too dipped a finger in to the bowl, where the blood was a mixture of each and everyone of them, excluding the children who did not need to participate until their own initiation.

With a shaky hand, she brought the finger in to her mouth, and the very instant the grimson liquid touched her tongue, she felt it.

She felt them.

The feeling was overwhelming, bringing her down on to the ground as her feet could no longer hold her up. The scents she had gathered in to her memory on her runs started to get identified inside her mind, and a feeling of belonging overruled everything else.

These people were her family, blood related or not. They were hers as much as she was theirs, and they all would do anything for her, as well as she would do anything for them. Tears brimmed her eyes at the love she felt. Never had she felt so wanted in her life.

Strong arms were wrapped around her, as well as the smell of burning leaves and the salty ocean. She looked up at him, gratitude in her eyes and a smile on her face. Egil helped her up, before adressing the Pack with the joyous news.

"We welcome Iona Viggosdottir in to our hearts, and shall share our moon with her from this night, and all the nights to come," all of the Pack cheered, howled and shouted their joy and excitement to the Moon.

"She is not only a new addition in to our family, she is also your second leader. She is your Alpha Female, my máni. I have at last found my moon," the joy was silenced by the confusion in their minds, until the message was clear. They were a complete family now. The howls, shouts and cheers filled the Night once again.

"I apologise for introducing her after several months of keeping you in the dark, but there were things we had to take in to consideration first.

"But no more! Now, we have an Alpha pair, together we are strong, and together we will keep this Pack happy and above all, safe."

All of Thurizas broke down to howl as one at the power couple standing in the middle of them, before bending the knee to their new leader.

Iona stared in awe at the people bending their knee for her, in a wave almost. She could not withold her tears any longer, and burst in to a silent cry of happiness. She had a place again. A place where she belonged.

Alpha Female, the one who makes all the Pack, as one.

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