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I had seen him before, and he nearly took my breath away each time

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I had seen him before, and he nearly took my breath away each time. I could not even explain it, even if someone begged me to.

His dark as night hair, reaching below his ears had curls to them, curls I always wished to wrap around my fingers and comb them. His bright blue eyes, that I wished to drown in, could see everything. I felt them dig under my skin and caress each of my scars, the physical and mental.

A thought, that I was not sure wether it brought me comfort or the need to run away.

His hands, had seen and done things, but to me they seemed like the perfect hands to roam around my body and make me his. Even the muscles that formed everything that was him, drew me in.

Yet another thought I was not sure about.

Sváss, that is what he called me. Beloved, and how right it felt in my ears and broken heart. How I wished to hear him say that every day to me, everyday until the day I walk in to the Great Hall of Valhalla.

He called me little one, he enjoyed my youth and childlike attitude before I grew up, and the name stuck like Thor's hammer in to the ground, unable to be lifted by anyone other than he himself.

I wanted to give myself to this man, standing before me like he was one of the Gods himself, to heal me, to make me feel loved.

But I could not. How could I, when I know nothing about him, and my soul had been broken in to pieces by a monster, making me useless to anyone else. It would be pointless, the outcome would be inevitable. He would eventually see, how tarnished I was, and leave.

He just stood there, at the opening of the cave I lived in. My den. It was not much, but for a week in the wild, it was more than enough. He stood tall and proud, until he fell down on his knees and bared his belly to me. The action froze me. How could this man, this strong man submit himself to me?

The beast in me and I, were at a crossroad with one another. She ran against my mind, over, and over, and over again, pleading that I ran to him. She crashed against the walls we both fought to break, but I held on. That is what scared me, and I fought to keep the blade in my hand, pointed at his direction, to show him I was not to be fucked with.

"I will not ask again, who are you?" I asked, fighting to keep my voice steady and to not show fear. I doubted very much it worked. My growl was not nearly as effective as I had hoped, and I had no claws and no fangs to defend myself with.

Slowly, he rolled from his submissive position, in to a sitting one. Hands above his shoulders, he gave me the most breathtaking, adoring smile. "I will tell you everything, but please, could we sit down?"

Eyebrows pulled in to one with nothing but doubt and confusion on my face, I allowed myself to relax just this tiny bit, and sat down. He nodded in approval. The confusion only amplified, for I did not understand how I could trust him so easily. But I did. She insisted on it.

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