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I suggest listening to Wardruna's Isa for this chapter

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I suggest listening to
Wardruna's Isa
for this chapter


Breathing is seen as smoke in the air with each exhale, telling us that it is still cold and early up in The Mountains.

Everyone stood still, or prepared themselves. None of us truly needed any weapons, but Egil insisted for everyone to have at least a dagger, an axe or a sword. Who knew what the humans were capable of, so better to be safe than weep later.

A set of arms capture me from behind, but I fear not when their smell hits my nose. What have I done to deserve him?

"I can sense your unease minn máni. What has got you so troubled?" Egil whispers in my ear, causing me to shiver in delight. Wrapping my own arms to hug his which are still around me, I humm in content.

"Nothing now. It will be strange to go back there."

"You do not have to-"

"Egil, enough!" I interrupt. "Unless you were to tie me down and leave warriors to hold me captive, there is nothing that will make me leave your side."

His nostrils were enlarged, wether it be from the lust the image of me tied down for him, or the frustration of me defying his wishes. Might be both.

"Very well," he huffs.

"Thurisaz!" He calls our warriors, and one by one they gather around to hear their Leaders. Each of them dressed in wool tunics, cotton trousers, bare foot and a belt around their waist to hold their weapon of choice in place during our journey.

What makes everyone look different however, is their hair and warpaint.

Braids of all sorts, decorated with runes and beads in their hair or beard. Ashy paste was used to create our masks, and each of us painted ourselves on our own. Many held stripes below their eyes or splitting their face from forehead to the chin, some covered half their face entirely.

"Friends, my Family. Today we will attack the Town in the Far North. They are ruled by a vicious Jarl called Hall. He has hurt people for many years, but now he has made it personal.

"For years, he kept my máni, Iona as his wife, torturing her. And only recently we discovered he also took Iona's cousin, young innocent Gyda as his next victim. She is safe now, but we will not leave this alone. We will have blood!"

Shouts of encouragement and whoops errupted in the clearing, he was riling us up.

"No more! No more shall people live under his rule!"


We had no need for a surprise attack, they knew we were coming.

What surprised us however, was that none resisted us. We were allowed to walk through town towards the Long Hall where my former husband lived in.

Growls from the left of me caught my attention, bringing me to a halt. A young boy in his teens tried to approach us, but was stopped by our warriors. Fear was clear as day in his eyes, but he pleaded to speak to me.

"Let me pass," I ordered. One by one our warriors opened a way for me to approach the boy, and I smiled at him. "What is it?"

He was silent.

Only from this close, could I see his face better. Tears began to form in my eyes at the bruises, cuts and scars on his face and neck.

"Was it him?"

A nod.

I did not care that he flinched, I pulled him in to a loving embrace. Whispering how sorry I was, how he did not deserve any of it. Pulling back I grab his cheeks with my palms.

"Was there something you needed to say?" I quietly asked. He nodded with tears and guilt in his eyes. Slowly, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Not many want to fight for him. The people have turned against him. Please do not hurt us! He only has a handful of men at his side, you can take him without killing the rest of us! Please, please!"

My eyes went wide, and I called for my man, "Egil!"

He came running towards me in seconds, inspecting me for possible injuries. "What is it?"

Nodding towards the boy, "He says the people turned against Hall. He only has a handful of men to fight for him. We shall spare the others, they have done no harm."

Egil was stunned, but pleased. Slowly, he began to chuckle, and soon it turned in to a full belly shaking laughter.

Turning to face the Long Hall, Egil shouted, "Hall! Hear that? Even your own people do not want you to live after everything you have done! I shall spread your bloody wings by the end of tonight! I swear by the Gods!"

Hall surprised us by appearing at the entrance of the Long Hall. Smirking with his hands clasped, twirling the Sowelu-ring in his finger around.

"What makes you so sure that you can beat us? I have the best, most vicious men in all The North beside me. You think you have a chance against us?

"You mock me, but do remember who was inside that bitch before you had even met her. Who was pounding in to her, filling her with my seed and giving her my fist for breakfast! She is ruined, even my shit would cost more than her.

"And the baby? I am glad he died. No one should be born to such a weak mother."

My body was shaking. His words did not insult me, not until he spoke of my son.

I distantly heard my Family trying to calm me down, but I was too far gone. So was Egil.

Grunts broke from our throats, fur began to sprout from our skin and our bones began to aligne themselves to the shape of our beasts.

Soon enough, my shift out of anger was complete and I charged. Paws hitting the dirt beneath me, I reached the first enemies in seconds.

They were no challenge for me, they never stood a chance. My canines found their way to each of their throats and I relished in ripping their skin. Blood began to ooze from their veins and in to my mouth. My blood thirst was too great and I moaned in satisfaction.

Egil too had taken care of a few men, and then there were three.

Two pathetic, shaky men tried to defend Hall as he stood there with fearful eyes, and holding a dagger. I let out a chuckle, but in a beast form it came out more horrorful to him. The fifl tried to pleade with me.

"I-Iona, please. My love, my little one, do not harm your husband. I love you!"

I growled. How dare he!

Egil and I lunged in sync, both of us slaughtering a man each before surrounding Hall. A putrid smell hit our delicate snouts, and I laughed again.

He enjoyed me being fearful, but now he pisses himself.

Shifting back, I stood tall and proud in front of my former husband. My nakedness did not bother me, or anyone else. Egil approached me and tucked his snout against my palm, showing me he was there for me. Petting him once, twice, I bent down next to his pointy ears, smirking at Hall while doing so.

"Máni, I think you should do the honors," my voice was sinister, and even I could not identify it as my own anymore. Releasing Egil's fur from my grasp, I order, "Get him, Egil."

And he lunged.

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