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He felt out of place, and out of control

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He felt out of place, and out of control. He yearned to be with his moon, but had to hold back. Oh how he began to hate the agreement he had made with her father. What felt like years, but was merely few moon's passes, Egil held back from taking her in to his loving arms, and simply watched. He watched her live and slowly come whole again.

He knew it would not be long until she was ready. Her first shift would be here soon, but Egil did not want to wait until after it was done to meet her, to introduce himself to her.

His mind traveled back to the moment only a fortnight ago, when he summoned Viggo in to his room for a long needed talk.

Viggo entered the room with the biggest smile on his face, pride swelling from it.

"Alpha, you called?" He asked, all happy and enjoying his time, all the while his Alpha was having a bad day of his own. Here they were, both who agreed to keep a secret from the one they care for, yet Egil was the only one to pay the price.

Growling for the attitude his warrior held, straightened Viggo right back. Standing tall like a tree, still as a mountain, with a face as serious as the frozen fjord.

Grunting with satisfaction, Egil leaned back on his seat, grabbing a fistful of bear fur into his hand and stroking it. It calmed him and his beast to feel the animal he himself had slain. They revelled in the thought. They are a good hunter, a protector, one that would surely make Iona proud to be bonded with.

His beast relished in that, and purred. They would make a good mating partner for her. He would show her what it means to be his moon.

"What is the current situation with my máni? Last I heard of you, she was an excellent warrior with hands and weapons, but what is her knowledge of survival?" Egil was becoming restless, the need for his máni was growing every day, making him more bold with his hideouts behind trees, watching her.

She had caught him once or twice, and the moment they laid eyes, was one of the best things he has ever had. He had almost lost his balance once her gaze met his, and he would have cladly fallen if it kept her from looking away.

Her sky blue doe eyes met his bright blues perfectly, making it clear for the both of them just how made for each other they truly were. He could feel his heart beating fast, and heard how even her heart matched his. Then something would happen, a voice would startle her or someone would call for their Alpha, and the moment was lost. Again.

"She is doing well, Alpha. She is learning fast and even asked to spend a fortnight in the woods by herself to test her survival skills," Viggo proudly informed his Alpha.

"NO! That is too long," Egil growled, completely against the idea of her alone. Just the thought of her alone for so long made him anxious, and the fear creeped up his skin. Shivers ran down his spine.

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