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His face was covered in pure shock from my words.

"You do?" he asks, eyes pleading me to answer honestly. I smile lovingly, and kiss him again.

"I do."

Everything turns frantic. Somehow, we end up at his quarters, ever so often stopping to show our love for each other through kisses, nips and licks on the neck.

It is strange, what I am feeling. My body tingles with a need, a hunger for something. Tingles start from my spine, traveling down to my breasts, to my core, and all the way down to my toes.

I pull back, scared.

"What is it?" Egil asks, worry etched on to his beautiful sharp jawd face.

Frowning, I try to understand what is happening before opening my mouth. "Something is wrong. Am I having a forced shift?" I ask and take his hand, nearly pulling it out of its socket and place it on to my forehead. "Am I hot?"

His confusion lasts for a while, until his nostrils flare and a slow rumble of a growl releases from his throat. Smirking, his eyes turn in to slits, before his hands dig in to me. "No sváss, you are not having a forced shift. You, my love are turned on."

"What?" eyes as wide as the sun, I pull back yet again. I know what being turned on means, but I had never experienced it.

When all you have ever known was pain when having sex, or simply feeling disgusted, you do not even realise you are missing on something. Hall took me over the years more times than I could count, and it was always only for him. Never did I gain anything from it.

And yet, I now felt the wetness dripping down my bare legs, the tingle causing my nipples to show through my dress, the heat in my cheeks and an itch I could not scratch no matter how much I would rub my legs together.

"Is- is it a good thing?" I cautiously ask of him. A sympathetic smile forms on to his face, and he cups my cheeks, kissing my forehead.

"More than good."

Biting my lip, I turn away from him. I am more than embarrased by what I am about go ask of him.


"Can you show me?" I mumble, but I am sure he heard me.


I turn to face him, with a little more courage than before. Pleading with my eyes for him to give me the pleasures I have been missing from.

"Show me what it is like to enjoy it."

A very pleased growl escapes his throat, before he slams his lips against mine again. None of this feels forced, it feels passionate, delicate yet just the right amount of roughness in it too.

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