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"What made you decide to place him here?" Iona asked, while walking next to her máni.

After Egil promised her that he would take her to see their son, he staid for a while before making his leave. Iona's heart had been warmed by his claim on her baby, and saw no need to claim otherwise.

She got to bed, and felt as if she never even fell asleep. The night turned to dawn in a flash, and Egil was back. Knocking on the wall of her hut to make himself known, he staid true to his promise.

Now, they were walking through the Woods. She had no idea where they were headed, but to memorise her path, she rubbed herself against a tree every once in a while. She would be visiting Him for as long as she lived.

"I wanted to make it clear that this child is special. He deserves more than the common burial grounds we have for our Pack. He deserves the sun to light his way, the moon to caress him, and the wind to sing him lullabies. He deserves to be the King of this Hill, no matter how small the Hill is," Egil's words were strong, loving even. As if he loved the boy.

He did. The baby might have been dead before he even saw him for the first time, but his bond with his máni extends to Audon as well. The child is his, his son. He too will mourn for the loss of their beloved son.

Whimpers and sniffles broke the air, and Egil turned to face his moon. "Sváss, what is it?"

Shaking her head, trying to form words but none would come out. Finally, she did the little she could do, and threw her arms around him. Whispering thank you's, she held on tight.

"What is wrong, sváss? Did I say something to upset you?" Egil feared he had made her sad, and as the nature of mánis is, he felt the urgent need to make it right again.

Holding her tight, he hushed her, smoothed down her hair and kissed her neck. Shivers escaped from her skin.

"You are too kind, to him and to me," Iona said. Feeling his confusion through their bond, she clarified. "I only meant, that here I am, your máni, and I come in to your life with a broken body, torn innocense and a dead babe as my companions. How can I ever deserve you?"

Egil was stunned. She actually thought she did not deserve him? He was the one not deserving her, he was not strong enough for a woman such as her.

Cupping her face, he pressed his forehead to hers. "Máni, listen to me, and listen to me good. You deserved me even before either of us was born. The Gods saw us a fine pair, perfect for each other. Nothing in your past will make me thing otherwise. If anyone is undeserving, it is I. I have not had many bad things in my life, so I feel as if I am not strong enough for a woman like you. But I will do my damn best to try."

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