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I am truly sorry for the wait

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I am truly sorry for the wait. I moved to a new home and this place was a "shit stain". Renovations had to be made and I just simply did not have the energy to write because of it.

I will be completing this book, I just ask of you to please be patient with the slower updates. I want to put my time and effort in to my chapters, I want this to be a quality book, and not just something done in a rush.


She was so beautiful, he thought.

Silently, as not to disturb her peaceful slumber, Egil stroked her cheek. His fingers would delicately switch between her cheek and shoulder, only because if he allowed himself to touch more, he would take her again.

The sparks on the tips of his fingertips from touching her brought a purr from his throat. Their bond was now almost to the fullest, with the ritual and the mating.

Ulfhednar's máni bonds were a tricky thing. The bond almost never reaches its fullest peak, it only keeps growing with every devotion they share. Some believe the bond reaches its peak in death, when their beast get to roam as theirself along side their human sides.

Egil knew how their bond would strenghten, but was in no rush. Despite having their beastly side, that which brought the need to carry on your bloodline, most ulfhednars held no rush to do so. Specially with Iona having already lost one baby, he knew she would need time before they would start actually trying.

The risk was always there, and yes, the idea of her belly round with their son or daughter caused him to get excited yet again, he knew they would need to find ways to delay pregnancy for now. Until she says she is ready.

Last night had been the best one of his excistence. Joining as one with your máni is said to be one of the greatest things an ulfhednar could experience, and he believed it, he just could not imagine it without any experience of his own.

His máni was so eager to learn the true meaning of pleasure, he did not have time to show her all of it. He would have enjoyed kissing her tighs before inhaling her arousal, devouring her fluids along with feeling her shake before her release.

Egil knew he would have the time of his life showing her everything that he would have to offer for her, but they would have to be cast aside for now, for much darker thoughts had resurfaced again.

A certain man, no. A certain monster, had hurt not only two members of his Pack, but one of said members was their Alpha Female, his moon. The man would have to pay, and Egil could think of no better punishment, than the bloðorn.

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