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When Iona returned home from her time in the Woods, she had a nervous smile on her face

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When Iona returned home from her time in the Woods, she had a nervous smile on her face. Remembering how she had shared her fire and meat with her máni, brought warmth in to her bones. 

She was hopeful, to a point, for many things. For one, she hoped she was not so broken. She wanted to be what Egil needed, what she thought he needed. She did not see herself as a strong woman any longer, not like she used to. 

Her mother had trained her to be a fierce shieldmaiden, before she was married to Jarl Hall. She knew her way with axes, swords and bows, and a shield was no oddity to her either. She could fight if need be, and sometimes, there was. Sometimes when Hall went raiding and took most of their fighters with him, the town was left unprotected. 

Thieves, nearby Jarls who were vengeful towards Hall, plain greedy men, would often attack them then. Attack, by using the coward's way and killing those who have no chance against them. Iona was one of the few left, who could defend herself as well as others. 

Not once did she hear her husband be grateful for his wife protecting their town. Not once did he say he was thankful. She got no gratitude from him, only fists, kicks and forced cocks. 

She feared this time would not be any different, and that she is just allowing herself to be used again. Then, she would remember how Viggo described the bond between two moons, and the fear would dissipate, but only just.

Now that her beast had grown to her fullest, it was time to initiate Iona in to the Thurizas, as well as introduce her as Egil's máni. Even though her father already knew of this, and the thought of his betrayal no matter how good intentions, bristled her skin and made the beast in her crawl in her spine. Shrugging their emotions away for now, she contemplated how to go about the conversation she would be having with her father, soon.

She had a conversation with Egil regarding her new life.

"So, what does being your máni mean?" she cautiously asked. If she could describe her emotions when asking that question, saying she was nervous would have been as big of an understatement, as saying that Loki is a harmless trickster. She was terrified to be honest, of Egil being the same as Hall. Sweet in the beginning, and a devil in the end.

Egil chuckled at her question. To him, it was a silly one. Then he gazed upon her glistening eyes hopeful for good news, but prepared with horror to hear something she does not want in to her life again. He quickly dropped his laugh and gifted her with a small, innocent smile. "Anything you want it to mean, nothing you do not want it to mean."

"That does not clarify things at all to me," she scowled, her short temper coming forward.

"Iona, calm down. I only meant, that I will not force you in to anything, and I will give you anything you desire.

"Now, being an Alpha Female is a little different. Your purpose within the Pack will no longer be, to be just a member. You and I, are their strength. We are responsible for their wellbeing and safety. We are required to make well thought decisions that will keep our Pack safe.

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