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It was almost time.

Weeks, even months had passed. The snow that covered the ground had melted from the trees, from the ground. The icy lake had melted as well, and ran as freely as ever.

What started as me training with my father with simple sparring, turned into so much more. Sparring was still very much present in my daily tasks, but there was so much I needed to learn, to know.

I would train with father from sunrise to midday, then we would roam the Woods and he would show me all the ways of survival.

Father said, "Survival is all that matter out there. Inside the Pack, you are safe. Outside our lines you are prey unless you turn into the hunter."

I understood it, loudly. I would be dead unless I knew how to hunt, what to hunt and when to hunt. What roamed in the woods with every season, what slept through the cold winter. What berries to eat, what streams to use for washing and where to drink from. 
Even that small part made a huge difference, you do not want to drink from the same spot the Pack use to clean their clothes.

One day, father took me for a walk. I could see his mind was somewhere else, roaming his thoughts, tormenting him. I had come to love this man as I should, and I felt the need to help him, to ease his heavy shoulders. Placing a hand on to his forearm, I tried to lift up his mind.

''Father, what is it? why are you so troubled?'' I asked. We gazed upon the view in front of us. Standing on top of a cliff, we could see the fjord, the very same fjord that would lead up to my husband's town. The very same that leads out of our Lands, and from there to other places, such as Northumbria.

A shudder ran through me at the thought of him. I only fear he will continue to torment someone else, now that I am gone. Free from his burning hands. If he does have someone new to torture, then I feel it is my duty to help them.

Only, I am not allowed to leave, according to father. My bond with the beast has not surfaced enough, and it could be dangerous for not only me, but for th people in town.

"Yes, my child. I actually have something very important to discuss, with you," he says, uncertainty lacying his voice with a small tremble. Stealing a long breath, before he speaks again, "And I do hope, that your mind is open for this, at some point, too."

Furrowing my brows, I wondered. What was this about? What could possibly cause this strong, fierce ulfhednar to tremble?

The Viking's BeastWhere stories live. Discover now