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"Lisent up everyone!" Bang PDmin yelled trying to the boy's attention. All 30 of the trainees in the room fell silent. "Today a few of you will be put in groups. Group names will be discussed between the band members and their manager. First group consists of three members. Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi. Second group ...."

Yoongi zoned out for the extend of the rest of the speech. He couldn't help but be relieved that he got into a group with people he already met. But the anxiety that buzzed under his skin couldn't help but make him worried that he will fail the group. He didn't want the group to fail because of his problems.

His thoughts were quickly silenced when a loud voice cut true. "Hyung were in a band together!" Hoseok smiled. Without knowing a smile made it onto Yoongi's face.

"Hyung we finally are in a group and together none the less." Namjoon smiled as he ran over to Yoongi and Hoseok. He was happy all his hard work payed off.

A few hours later the three boys were moving into their new dorm. It was a bit small but they could make it work. They had one room to sleep, a living room with a kitchen connected to it.

"So, the band name? I thought we could think of a few names before we meet our manger." Namjoon said after they brought all their stuff inside. The other two sat down with the younger so they could brain storm.

"Maybe Chyper?" Yoongi asked softly almost inaudible. "That's an amazing idea hyung." Hoseok said loudly making Yoongi flinch. "R-really." Yoongi asked softly feeling his face heat up at the praise. "Yeah. It's just like that one song we made. Maybe Hoseok hyung can finish the song." Namjoon offered. Yoongi nodded he had been having some trouble with finishing the lyrics of the song.

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