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"Jinnie hyung!" Namjoon smiled as he sees Jin walking into the studio area. He instantly darts up to hug the elder before kissing him. "Seems like someone missed me." Jin chuckles. Namjoon doesn't say anything but packs Jins lios again. "I brought knife noodles. Your favourite." Jin smiles at the boy who still hasn't let go of him. "Really?" Namjoon asks with the biggest eyes and a small dimple smile. "Why else would I tell you?" Namjoon let's go to softly push Jin back. Jin smirks as he let's himself fall onto the couch as he takes Namjoon down with him. They end up with Namjoon in Jins lap.

After a beat of silence Namjoon finally breaks it. "Why did you do that?" "You shouldn't have pushed me." Jin shrugs. "Aren't I to big ti sit in your lap?" Namjoon asks out of no where. "What are you talking about? You are the smallest and cutest boyfriend I have. Now shut up and let me feed you." Jin says dramatically. "I'm not. I'm literally taller than you." Namjoon pouts. "My long lany limbs don't make it easier on both of us." He sighed as he watches Jin take out their food. "Don't put yourslef down, darling. Now let me feed you." Jin says with chopsticks lifted to Namjoons mouth.

"Baby do you have any plans for after your comeback?" Jin asks making Nsmjoon chock on his food. "Slow down baby." Says as he pats the other back. "Yeah. I'm visiting my hyungs hometowns with them." Namjoon lies once he regains his breath. He didn't have the heart to tell anyone about his surgery yet he had overheard Hoseok and Yoongi talking about visiting family  recently so it was the first thing that came up. "But after I'm free." Namjoon said as he saw the slightly frown on Jins face. "Good because I want to take you on a date to celebrate your next comeback." "Okay." Namjoon says as he feeds Jin.

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