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"Yoongi hyung. This is my sister Dawon." Hoseok introduces his sister to Yoongi. "So you're my soon to be brother in law." Dawon says making Yoongi blush. "I guess." He mumbles. Hoseok quickly swings his arm around the shoulder hoping to calm his nerves which it did. "Jung Dawon. Nice to meet you." She says holding out her hand. "Min Yoongi. The pleasure is all mine." Yoongi says nervously shaking her hand. "Your cute." She suddenly says." "Thanks I guess." "Yoongi hyung where are your parents?" Hoseok asks. "Uhm." Yoongi says looking down. "Their not coming." "Why not?" "They didn't support my dream of becoming a producer so they kind of disowned me when they found out that I'm gay." Yoongi said bluntly. It was the only way he knew how to hide how hurt he truly was. "That's terrible." Both the Jungs gasped. "I know but let's keep it light tonight. We're celebrating our debut." The Jung siblings agree and the three of them head over to Namjoon and his family.

"That was amazing." Yoongi says as he lets his body fall onto his bed. For once he feels like he will actually sleep without any help. "Yeah, it was. I really hope the people liked our performance." Hoseok says as he sits down next to Yoongi and plays with the older hair. Yoongi hugs softly in approval of the treatment he's getting. The soft touches mange to make him drowsy. "Of course they liked it." Namjoon chirps from his own bed.

As they talk further Yoongi manages to fall asleep. Sadly his peace doesn't last long because he's woken up by an nightmare. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Yoongi softly curses as he goes with his hand true his sweaty bangs. He's still shaken up by the nightmare but he can't remember it. It's just the feeling that lingers.

"Kitten are you okay?" Hoseok asks half asleep. "I'm okay. Sorry for waking you up Hobi~ah." Yoongi says now feeling guilty more than anything. "Go back to sleep." He says bit the younger boy ignores him and walks out of the room.

A while later he comes back with a glass of water. "Drink up hyung it will clam your nerves." He smiles Yoongi quickly drinks it before Hoseok cuddles into him again. "Try to sleep okay. We have training tomorrow." All Yoongi can do is nod as he is caged in by Hoseoks arms.

I feel like this book is boring compared to the prequel.

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