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Y'll voted for silver. Y'all are no fun at all but be glad you choose silver.

A year went by like that. They were starting getting close to debuting and the couldn't wait. But today is their free day.

"Hyungs, I'm going out." Namjoon announced. "Okay, don't stay out to late." Hoseok said from the couch. "I won't." Namjoon said smiling before adding a quick 'Good luck with hyung' and left Hosoek completely confused.

Namjoon walked to his favorite cafe. It was a small café but it was cute and cozy. The desserts they served were also amazing and not too pricey.

"Hello welcome to... Oh hi Joon." The waiter smiled. "Hi, Jin hyung." Namjoon greeted with a smile. "The regular?" Jin asked getting a nod as answer. "My shift end soon so your just in time." Jin smiled before going to make the order.

Namjoon sat down in the corner of the café like always. He never really got time to go out because of his training but when he did he would come to this café to talk to Jin. Jin was a cute waiter he met here at least in Namjoons opinion.

"I got tickets to your debut stage." Jin smiled as he sat down in front of Namjoon with two coffees and two pieces of cake. "Really?" "Yeah, I wanted to see what you do when we can put see each other." Jin said making Namjoon blush. If you didn't notice by now Namjoon had the biggest crush on the older. "I guess I got to work twice so hard to impress you." Namjoon's said showing his dimples in a cute smile. "How are your band mates?" Jin asked. The smile on Namjoons face wavered. Even it was selfish he wanted all of Jin attention. But you can't always get what you want. "Their okay."

Right before Namjoon was about to leave he gather the confidenceto finally do it. "Hey, uhm Jin hyung would you. Uhm like to go on a date with me? Before the debut stage?" Namjoon asked nervously. He had promised himself he would at least try asking the older out. "I was wondering when you would ask me." Jin smiled. "Is that a yes?" "A definite yes. Text me when you get home."

Pink: rejection (Jin already having a boyfriend)
Silver: date

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