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The calm and warm aura of Starbucks helped them calm down a bit. But they all stayed quiet and tense as the heavy thought made them all gloom.

"He's going to be okay right?" Jin asked in a small voice. He as the oldest should be able to give the others a shoulder to lean on. But this was his boyfriend. He was is no state to give that now as he felt his heart slowly rip apart as time went on.

"Hyung look at me." Yoongi said making sure jin looked him in the eye. "He is going to be just fine. Before you know it he is here with us laughing so much that his dimples show. He is going to be okay." Jin just nodded only partly believing it.

Hours past till the got a phone call. "Hello manger." Yoongi said trought his phone as everyone around him tried to listen to the other side. "Okay thanks for informing us" Yoongi ended the call.

"What did he say?" Jin asked as he and Hoseok waited full of suspense. "He is okay."  They both let out a sigh of relief. "But he is in a coma. He lost a lot of blood in the operation. His system shut down to cover for the lose. They don't know when hes going to wake up. Or if he even will." Yoongi explained. He felt terrible for being the one to tell them. He could see how Jins heart broke and stray tears left his eyes as he tried to be strong while Hoseok normally happy smile was turned into a from that only got deeper as he talked. "We can go see him now." Yoongi softly added when silence became to heavy. "Please." Jin whispered as he chocked back his tears. Yoongi just nodded before walking to the car.

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