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"Hobi~." Yoongi whined softly hoping his boyfriend would wake up but also didn't want to disturb his rest. Sleep just didn't want to come as his mind raced with everything imaginable.

Yoongi poked Hoseoks cheek making the younger stir slightly. Hopefully Yoongi eyed him but Hoseok just settled down and slept further peacefully.

Yoongi sighed as he settled down himself but sadly not being able to sleep. The entire situation with Namjoon was just a huge stress inducing matter that effect everything.  Now even when he knew the younger was out of his coma Yoongi continued to have sleepless nights with no or barely any sleep. It was like his insomnia acted up again and was being backed up by anxiety as his mind raced to all the worst outcomes of everything. Luke what if Namjoon would slip back into his coma or worse.

Yoongi shuddered at that thought. His body suddenly tensed all the way up as his mind elaborated on the idea.

"Kitten?" Hoseok tired voice snapped Yoongi back into reality. Yoongi looked at him with wide eyes while the other tried to adjust to the dark. "Baby your shaking. Are you okay?" Hoseok asked. "Y-yeah I'm fine." Yoongi stuttered out not wanting the other to worry. "Lair. Tell me what's on your mind." Hosoek said sitting up and pulling Yoongis head to lay in his lap.

"I think my insomnia is acting up again and the thoughts I have while up at night really scare me." Yoongi explained. As he further talked with Hoseok, who played with his hair, he found himself relaxing and slowly closing his eye.

"Good morning kitten." Hoseok said shaking Yoongi awake. Yoongi blinked his eyes open feeling like he actually slept for once in more than a week. Humming at Hosoeks voice he sat up to stretch his arms. "Good morning Sunshine." "Today we are going to get Namjoon from the hospital." Hoseok smiled. They were finally getting their maknae back. "But first get up to eat. I made breakfast." Hoseok said nudging Yoongi to get moving.

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