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The two oldest were left alone in their small apartment. The place was far too small to outrun each other. And the tension between them was growing.

"Hyung you can use the bathroom." Hoseok said as he came out of the shower. As Yoongi made his way to the bathroom he saw Hoseok standing their with water dripping down his bare chest and went lock covering his eyes. Yoongi gulped. Of course this wasn't the first time to see each other half bare but Hoseok was a sight to be seen. The boy had a pretty defined abs, a toned body and a sharp jaw line. He basically had the perfect body, a complete visual.

Yoongi quickly entered the bathroom not wanting too stare too long. 'Damnit Yoongi your his hyung. You shouldn't be ogling him like that.' He thought as he stepped into the bathroom. But the image stayed in his mind. "Damn you Hoseok." He whispered.

As they ate a late breakfast together in silence. In both their minds were playing previous events that made them flush bright red. "H-hyung. Uhm What should we do today? Namjoon went out and I we both have nothing planned." Hoseok said breaking the silence. "I don't know. I was planning on writing some lyrics." Yoongi shrugged. "No your not. I don't want you to overwork yourself especially not on our free day. We're going out and no protest." Hoseok said making Yoongi flinch slightly. "Okay."

An half hour later both of them were ready to leave the house. "So what do you want to do?" Yoongi asked curiously. "A café nearby. Joon recommended it." Hoseok smiled.

When they arrived at the café they saw Namjoon leave with an unknown male. Not paying mind to it they decided to ask later when their back home. "It's really pretty in here." Yoongi said as he eyed the pastel walls. "Yeah it is. What do you want?"

After ordering and chatting for a while Hoseok suddenly blurred out. "You should dye your hair bleu hyung. It soothes you." "W-what?" Yoongi asked confused. "The company is think about dyeing our hair. You should do bleu it would really sooth you." Hoseok smiled. "Then you should do red or orange." Yoongi smiled. He liked the idea of having bleu hair even if he favored the black color it was now.

When they got back home the tension between them was reaching its maximum. Hoseok tried to reach a hanger for his coat blocking Yoongi by accident but none of them made an effort to move. Instead they slowly moved closer not sure of what would come next. "Can I kiss you hyung?" Hoseok breathed out. Yoongi slowly nodded. All precaution was thrown off the table as their lips finally connected. A year of wanting each other and waiting was finally coming to a close.

"Finally! My ship is sailing." Namjoon yelled when they parted. Upon hearing the younger Hoseok quickly moved away form his hyung. "It took you guys a year for that to happen. Now sorry for ruining the mood. I will just go. Do whatever you want." Namjoon said sending wink to them both.

50 shades of bleu (Sope) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now