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Your going to hate me but honestly if you read 50 shades of purple you could have expected this.

Yoongi took his good off relieving his newly bleached hair. "It's going to be bleu for the comeback." He shyly said as every eye was on him. "I asked the company to dye it. How do I look?"

"Blond suites you hyung." Namjoon chirped while Hoseok stood silently just watching the older. "Hobi?" Yoongi asked unsure if the younger liked the surprise. "You didn't have do that." Hoseok said hugging the older. "I wanted to besides I knew you would like it. If your happy I'm too." Yoongi confessed.

Namjoon slowly creeped out of the living room giving his elders room while he could call Jin. The older didn't want to make their relationship official till Namjoon was an legal age. But the wait was worth it. Namjoon was beyond excited when finally had a boyfriend. He could call Jin his now and he was grateful for the older.

"Hey hyungie." Namjoon greeted as the older picked up. "How are you?"

"I'm good Joonie. How is your chest pain? Did you tell them yet?" Jin asked concerned for the younger. He been complaining about chest pain but he didn't want to tell anyone else.

"I didn't tell them I don't want to make them worry." Namjoon said sighing. "As for the chest pain it's been an ongoing dull ache."

"Did you go to the doctor yet?"

"No, I had school today and if I were to be home later they would know something was off."

"Joon at least tell the manger. I'm really worried something will happen." Jin said concerned. Just then he heard Namjoon mutter a soft 'fuck'. "Joon are you okay over there?" He asked but all he got in answer was heavy breathing and wheezing and then a loud thud. "Joon! Namjoon!" Again no answer. Jin acted quickly and called Hoseok. "Come on. Answer the phone." He muttered to himself.

"Hi hyu..."

"No time for that. Go check on Namjoon I will explain later." Jin said a s quickly as possible.

Hoseok signaled for Yoongi to come with him to the room. When they enter Namjoon was laying on the ground out cold. "Namjoon!" Hoseok screeched before dropping next to the boy. He quickly checked his breathing and heart beat which was concerning as he stopped breathing and his heart beat was hard to detect. "Yoongi call an ambulance." Hoseok said as tears stared to blur his vision.

"Is he alright? What happened?" Jin asked true the phone.

"He's out cold and he stopped breathing." Hoseok quickly explained. "Hoseok the ambulance is here." Yoongi said glad they lived so close to an hospital.

They sadly watched as Namjoon was being carried away on an stretcher.

50 shades of bleu (Sope) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now