Lunch Part 1

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I woke up to my alarm ringing. I got up, brushed my teeth, took a shower, then attempted to do my hair.

Jaz: What you doing up so early?
Ri:Getting ready for Cheer Tryouts.
Nia:I was the captain of varsity last year. I'm probably gonna be captain again this year, but captain gets to pick co-captain. I'll pick you even if you suck. *giggles*
Jaz:Anywho, I've got practice and Lonzo is gonna drop me off on his way to practice also.
Rii:soooo what time are tryouts?
Nia:30, well 20 really cause 10 minutes before we have to start running laps so hurry up your driving.
I dressed in a burgundy spaghetti strap and some nike pros. I started taking pics in the mirror.


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@Babii.Farii I be stunting on em

@DuhhItzz_Nia:You ain't wearing that with me
@Jaz: No chícá
@Izzy:@gelo remove it now
Damn I got sis pressed over her dude.
Nia:You look like a hoe, go change
Rii: No I'm a whole 18, going on 19 years old
Nia: You look like your about that life aga-
Rii: No, I'm not it was Maria's last wish to never return to that, unless I was forced to return one good time.
Nia: Okay come on before we're late

Arrives at tryouts

Nia: Come on, let's stretch
Rii: Sweet, everyone has their old stuff from last year I'm in Nike pros and a pajama shirt.

Nia: calm down

Coach Akiens: OK, let's go ladies. I see some new and old faces. You'll learn a routine, then preform it in duos.

Nia: That's coach Akiens I'm going to partner up with the co-captain from last year
Rii: Ok, see ya later
Asia: Hey, I'm Asia James
Safarii: Hi, I'm Safarii Pelota
Asia: Cool, wanna partner up
Safarii: Yea, wanna get lunch after this
Asia: Sure, it doesn't matter who comes, I'm cool with everybody but this one girl you probably haven't met her yet.
Safarii: Yeah, I'm new here
Coach Akiens: Call me coach A, but we got to get to work

We had learned the dance and Nia and her partner just killed it,it was me and Asia's turn to go .

(Safarii pink socks, Asia white jacket).

We killed that in my opinion.
Coach A: Sasha, Tasha,Kimani Thrashes,Penelope,Sarah,Ashley,
and Tonya. Y'all made the team every one else leave except Safarii, Asia, Nia, and Kimi. You guys made the team but I want one of you to be my captain and co-captain.

Asia:wow thanks omg

Coach A: I want Safarii to be my captain, can you do a round-off backhand spring back tuck?

Safarii : Yes coach

Coach A: Do it
She did the backhand spring back tuck.
CoachA: Good job you get to pick your co-captain. A round-off backhand spring will do the trick for co-captain.
Kimi: No fair Nias her cousin
Coach A: She knows what she's doing

Safarii: Nia , round-off backhand spring please.
Nia : I don't have my handspring
Coach A: Asia may I see yours
Asia preforms hers perfectly.
Coach A: Kimi may I see yours ?
Kimi: I don't quite have my round-off.
Coach A:My Co-Captain is Asia. Here is your captain jacket Safarii, and your co- captain jacket Asia.
Asia and Safarii: Thank You Coach A.
Coach Akieins: Nia and Kimi turn in your jackets before our 1st school year practice.

Okay y'all so we got some drama this round but we gone get some more next round too~Twin#1

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