Whose Ring Is It ?

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Jazmyne P.O.V .
As I was sitting in my room thinking about what just happened I heard commotion downstairs
So I decided to see what it was . " hey what are you doing here?" I said as gelo made his way through my kitchen. "'Oh I was just grabbing my tacos from the other day I left them over here." He said as he grabbed his tacos and sat on the couch. I sat next to him and took a taco off his lap. "Fat ass" he chuckled causing me to laugh and take some taco sauce, as we were laughing we heard the door open it was safarii walking in. "Hey" she said awkwardly, "Hey, I'm gonna run up stairs really quick." I said as I got up I mouthed 'Talk to her'  to gelo before I ran up the stairs.

Safarii POV
As she walked upstairs I took her spot next to gelo , "can we talk?" I asked as he ate his taco . " yea we definitely need to , we can't be like this every time we face a problem you know" he said still eating his taco , I took the box out my purse I'm scared to see his reaction but hopefully he won't leave. As I open the box I prepare myself for the worst. " This is what me and Melo were doing and have been doing for a month now." I said as I showed him my weed stash "We were just smoking weed, it started when i was lighting up in the backyard and he caught me smoking he asked if he could try it too" I said taking a breathe , "but I was high when he asked so I said yes cause I was high" I said trying to read his face. " After that we almost got caught by lavar , so we would drive up to L.A and smoke weed in hotel rooms" I paused waiting fo him to speak but he motioned for me to continue. "We would always book rooms with two beds and we'd shower and eat before we came home, so we wouldn't seem high" I said so he wouldn't get the wrong idea he then motioned for me to continue again. "He didn't want lavar to find out and neither did I cause I thought he would see me as a bad influence on you and your brothers -which I am probably" I said cutting myself off. He gave me a look and I knew exactly what he was thinking . "Oh no I'm not and addict- I swear this is all just bad timing" I said as I was reading his mind . "I'm not saying you are but what about Melo?" He asked " We already did this our trial and tribulations he's good" I said as we both laughed, "So do you think maybe we can get back to us now that the air has cleared?" I asked scooting closer until  I was basically sitting in his lap . "You know fasho baby" he said in between kissing me and laughing. As we were sharing a taco we hear "AHHHHHHHHHHH - OMG OMG OMG OMG!!"  Come from Jaz upstairs. We look at eachother before moving quickly, I roll my sleeves up and grab a stick thingy from the fire place. We ran up the stairs together and we see Jaz crying in the hallway. "Jaz , you okay what's wrong is somebody up here" I asked as gelo went from room to room. "ITS A RING HE GOT A RIIING!" She said still crying. "Omg that's an engagement ring , woah my gosh" I said getting to where she was hinting at. "And I oop" gelo said as he looked down at the box. "Where did you find this?" I asked as she was calming down. " In Lonzos jacket pocket" she whispered and started crying more. "This is amazing and your ugly crying not pretty crying for what, he got you a ring sis you finna be mrs.lonzo ball!" I said jumping up and down. "No Denise is finna be mrs.lonzo ball, she has the baby" she said while closing the box. "He cheated on me and she's 3 months pregnant with his baby" her tears slowly started falling. "Doesn't mean the ring is for her though" gelo said pointing out the obvious, "Yea I'd bet Zo went to his father for advice of course a wedding ring would solve everything, one big happy family right." She said chuckling rolling her eyes. "Well , how about we ask, lavar I mean not Zo" Gelo says pointing to the box. "Yea me and Jaz will run across the street and you can go talk to Zo at the hospital." I say as I lower my sleeves and make my way down stairs with them following me. Gelo grabs his keys gives me a peck and then heads out to the hospital. As we walk across the street I can see the worry in her eyes. I knock on the door and noni answers. "Hi guys the boys are down at the hospital" she says as we walk in , "I was actually hoping to speak with Lavar." I said as she eyed jazmyne . "He's out back, but Jaz sweetheart are you okay come talk with me in the kitchen." She said guiding Jaz into the kitchen, I walk out back and greeted Lavar and Tina. "Hii mama T" I kissed her cheek after greeting her. "The boys not here they at the the hospital miss lady." Lavar said smiling greeting me with a hug, " I was actually looking for Zo he left this at my house." I said pulling out the box and opening it and revealing the ring. His eyes got big and he for once in his life was at a lost of words. "Have you seen this before?" I said showing the ring to Tina she started to form words. "Y-yes , he look for j-az." She said pointing to the ring smiling at its sparkle. "He exchanged my ring , I gave him this one for Denise." He said showing me a picture of a different ring ugly in my opinion. "He came to you about the baby ?" I whispered as it was all hitting me. Jazmyne worst dreams were coming true, he's choosing Denise over her. "Yea and he's proposing to Denise , he and I agree that it's better for him and Jaz if he were to end things." He whispered back. "With all due respect Zo's not choosing from quote on quote knowledge or you opinions he's choosing from his heart and I'll make sure of that , sir" I replied hugging and kissing Tina on the cheek. As I made my way back in noni and Jaz made their way out the kitchen, you could tell Jaz had been crying by her puffy eyes but they were laughing as they came out. "Wow your heading out already, see you guys later" noni said showing us out. As we walk out the door I call gelo it rings for a couple until he finally answers . "Hey , Yea it's for Denise" I said before mouthing 'get in the car' to Jaz. I saw the sadness fall in her face as she hopped in the passenger seat.
Phone call , safarii Gelo in bold
What you mean ?
The ring iys for Denise but lonzo didn't buy it
Who bought it then ?
Lavar , he wants lonzo to give it to Denise but lonzos not thinking with his heart
What do you mean thinking with his heart?
Just keep him at the hospital me being messy is finna pay off for either Denise or Jazmyne
(End of call)

Okasies a little filler but ima update this book twice today back 2 back
Story ideas
Much love ~Kae💚

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