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"Tonight I choose the women who chose to end a life for mine to continue living , she was unselfish unlike me I asked her to get an abortion and even though it's not in her beliefs she did it to make me happy to make me satisfied in life she is the women of my dreams the women I truly desire" Zo said as he stepped off the light stage and made his way to Jazmyne, he kneeled down infront of her causing everyone to smile and gasp "Will you Jazmyne Shani Barrientos do me the pleasure of becoming , MRS. Jazmyne Shani Ball?" He asked pulling the ring out of his pocket and slide it onto her finger hoping she would say yes . "Lonzo , I - you -we've been unfair to eachother cheating and lieing , I'm just not happy in this relationship anymore I don't know if I can trust you" as tears fall from Jazmynes eyes Denise looked so guilty knowing she did this to them for no reason she had always wanted to see lonzo happy no matter what and if Jazmyne made him happy then so be it . "I'm sorry, it's my fault you feel you can't trust him but you can I'm not really pregnant I just wanted my highschool sweetheart back that you stole from me many years ago but I want to see him happy more than I want him to be mines" she said in low voice lowering her head . She continued "I apologize for making these past 2 years hard for you , even though you probably hate me can I still be invited to the wedding?" She chuckled as she let tears fall down to lighten the mood . "Of course, and I don't hate you matter of fact would you like to be my maid of honor?" Jazmyne asked as everyone looked at her with big eyes , " I would love to" Denise answered as they hugged. "In that case , yes yes yes a million times yes Lonzo Anderson Ball I Will Marry you!" Jazmyne yelled jumping up and down. Everyone congratulated her and they laughed and danced for the rest of the night before everyone went home to wine down.



" What do you mean melo, I-I-I-we have a whole child and you want to break up with me why?" I asked trying not to cry in front of him . " And I will always be there for my child no matter what , but I just dnt think we belong" he said getting up to leave my room but before he could get all the way out the door I made sure to get the last word " Its because of Ashley isn't it, if you want her you should just say so" I said as he stopped walking for a good minute then proceeded to exit. as he was leaving I could hear him saying bye to Ashley , that homewrecker because of her my child might not be born into a stable home. "Hey me and Ashley are going out to grab lunch wanna come?" farii asked me as they walked into my room oh yeah did I fail to mention that her and Ashley are like bff's now . Its so irritating because melo always seems to hang out with them now."Nah im good ill just order something" I responded as I made my way to my closet, " you know if you ever need anything , like to talk or something i'm always here nia" Ashley said as she followed me into my closet "Thanks but no thanks Ashley." I said as they left my room to go do whatever.


As me and Ashley pulled up to benihana we hopped out and got seated, "So, melo talked to me the other day about him and nia" she began . "And he tried to smash but you know I had to pass cause that's not right, he said he still had feelings and wanted me back" she finished , " well he talked to me the other day because he wanted to break up with her because other than his child he has no reason to be with her I told him as long as he's there and an actual father in my god childs life I didn't care." I said as the waiter approached us to get our orders. after we ordered we talked some more about school and what not. "I miss him I just don't wanna get in between him and nia though, you know" she said as we made our way back to the car "Yea , but at the same time what y'all do isn't her business , her only concern with melo should be their child" I don't know where all this came from but me and Ashley have actually been cool , but she says izzy wants to talk to me and i'm not sure yet cause me and gelo are in a good place right now. " That's just it , whenever she calls hell come running because it is about his child and I don't wanna have to be in that position" I can see where she is coming from but at the same time melos not gonna forget about her if he actually wants her. "He wont forget about you , they live across the street from each other plus i'm gonna do parent mediation so that way they have something to go by you know. I say go for it wouldn't hurt to try again" seeing her and melo together would definitely upset a lot of people but at the same time its about what they want not everyone else.

"Ashley can I stop by and talk to you real quick?" Melos voice spoke as I picked up the phone "Um I'm at safarii's house right now but I'll stop by before I leave" I said as we made our way to her room , I honestly feel bad about this because who wants their child born into an unstable relationship? After sitting her room for about 15 minutes farii gives me an apologetic look "Gelo tryna come over and I'm not even gone lie I'm tryna fuck" she said making me laugh along with her. "Let's do a prank on him, when's the last time you posted in your channel?" I suggested "Yea let's do that, we gone act like we eating eachother cat!" She said running to grab her camera

Omniscient POV
"Okay y'all welcome back to my channel it's ya favorite jungle girl safarii!" Safarii said into the camera as she held it up , "Today I have Ashley with me ash say hi" she then pointed the camera at Ashley who puckered her lips and spoke to the camera
"Hiiii mwah!" Safarii then walked to the window to see gelo making his way towards their house . "Okay so I have to hurry and do this cause gelo is here but we're gonna act like we're doin the nasty when he walks in and see his reaction" Safarii then his the camera and changed out of her pants into her boy short underwear, as Ashley did the same . Ashley got under the covers and Safarii sat up and took her shirt off to expose her bra. As they heard gelo walking up the stairs they began making noises and bouncing on the bed , "OH FUCK ASHLEY YESSS RIGHT THERE!"
"WHAT THE FUCK YALL IN HERE DOING?" Gelo said as he walked in Ashely popped her head up from under the covers , "Y'all in here fucking, really bae I come over to get some punani and you getting punani too?" He asked as he stood there in shock "You could've at least asked if me before you did this." He said while walking out the door "I would've thought he would've been more mad" Ashley says as her and Safarii break into laughter, "GELO WAIT ITS A PRANK WE WASN'T FUCKING I SWEAR!!" Safarii yelled down the stairs as they grabbed the camera and followed him "Bae , don't play like that I was finna go call up Izzy just make you mad." He said pushing the camera out of his face. "Un un don't do that , both of y'all will get slapped prank or not" Safarii said as they all walked back up stairs , "Well see you guys next time Like,Comment and subscribe!" She said as she ended the video as she threw the camera down gelo pushe her on the bed and began to pull her underwear down . "In can y'all at least wait till I leave damn horny mother fuckers" Ashley laughed as the both yelled at her to get out . "LEAVE THEN DAMN IM TRYNA GET SOME PUNANI" gelo said making everyone laugh , "Have fun gone head and get you some good dick love you babes" Ashley said as she made her way out the house. As she left she remembered she still need to go talk to Melo before she headed home.

Ok y'all gone head and comment and vote on this for me ! Also could y'all go subscribe to my YT channel? That would be wonderful if you could
I don't think the link will work so the name is JKOGANGG ~ Kae💚

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