In too deep

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I woke up feeling reality hitting me hard this morning. I'm really finna be a mommy . "Get dressed Lavar is downstairs waiting for you" safarii said as she slammed my door closed and walked off. I decided on some sweats and a BBB hoodie. "Good morning, melo went to practice" Allen said as I reached the last stair. "Where's farri" o asked looking around for her "she went to the gym" Jaz said as she and zo popped out of the kitchen. "Oh" was all I said as I hopped into the back of Allen's car as we left to the doctors office.
Safarii's POV
As I fell onto the bed giggling melo started to put his shirt on. "We can't keep doing this behind her back you have a whole child on the way now" I said as laid beside me. "Is that why you were so mad when you found out because of what me and you been doin?" He asked "yes it is we have to stop this and you know it". I said sitting up. "Well why don't you go hop in the shower then I'll go pay for the hotel room and I'll jump in when I get back and we leave?" He says putting his shoes on "No ima pay you payed the past month for the hotel rooms" I said starting the shower . "Fine go ahead I'll be out by the time you get back" I said as he mugged me. "Didn't I tell you with me you don't ever have to pay for anything?" He said as he walked out . Boy am I in too deep lord help me .
"Baeeeeee, that tickles don't stop" I giggled as zo sucked my neck on the couch . "Ima go grab the camera cause we boutta make a movie" he said as he jumped off the couch and went to get our camera. I know what you're thinking 'you guys make sex tapes' yes we do we are grown mind y'all business. As I'm waiting for him I see his phone go off .

Oh hell nah this light bright nigga got me fucked up

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Oh hell nah this light bright nigga got me fucked up

A nice little filler but guess what birthday coming up 😘😘😘


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