Triangle Trade

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Safarii pov
I'm currently with Jaz and she's in the bathroom throwing up she's been at it for about an hour now. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital or something?" I asked Jaz as she continued to throw up. "No I-"
She started to say but was cut off by my phone ringing. "LaMelo What do you want best friend now isn't a go-". He cut me off and started rambling on and on. "I'll be there in 5 lemme make sure Jaz is okay and throw on some socks." I said cutting him off and hanging up. "Go ahead I'll be fine" Jaz said before vomiting once again. I threw on some socks and walked across the street . I walk in to a nervous , shaky melo . "What's the emergency, I had to leave my vomiting cousin for ?" I said kinda irritated. "Because your other cousin is vomiting and I ran out of condoms last month" He said still shaking. 
"Ok , why do I care about your condom supply ?" I said running into the bathroom confused. " Because she may be prfbfjdgnat" He said coughing and very low . "Hollon you said she may be pregnant or did you say prfbfjdgnat" I said imitating him . 
"I'm sorry but we were tired of waiting" he said as I busted in the bathroom were Nia was. "So you mean to tell me because you horny teenagers couldn't ask one of their big siblings for a fucking condom you might be pregnant?"I said mad cause I never curse. "Well we need to buy some test-" I was cut off by Nia . "We did they came back positive." She said in almost tears.

Jazmyne POV
I was sitting in the bathroom while trying to book a doctor appointment. I am  5 weeks pregnant and I've decided on not telling anyone and just getting an abortion. I was trying to book a last minute appointment so I could finish out the season.
Phone call
Hello I would like to make an termination appointment
Okay let's see will next month at around maybe 4 work ?
No it has to be today
Okay well um we can fit you in at 25 minutes from now.
I'll be there in 15
End of phone call
As I gathered myself from the toilet I got dressed and headed off to the doctors office.
Lonzo POV
"RIGHT THERE LONZO,RIGHT UGHHHHH" Denise said as I slammed into her. We were watching our sex tapes from a 3 months ago. She's showing me these because she's 3 months pregnant . "Denise you do understand that this was a mistake right, I cheated on my girlfriend with you." I asked as she cut the tape off. "I know Zo but that mistake has made a life that I have to carry for 6 more months." She said answering my question. " You can't tell anyone on social media until I tell Jazmyne, understood she deserves to hear this from  me ." I explained to Denise as she made her way out the door . "I'll text you the next appointment I have I find out the gender." She said leaving. Damn how am I gonna tell jazmyne that I got Denise pregnant while we were together.

Safarii POV
"Ok so LaVar set up an appointment for tomorrow to check on the baby and exactly how far along you guys are ." Allen explained to Nia and LaMelo . "Ok but what's going to happ- they were cut off by Allen " Your going to explore all  your options that are best for you guys". He said before exiting the room. " Well looks like your going to be a daddy melo" I said getting up to leave . "I'm scared" Nia choked out along with tears . " ok well you weren't scared of pleasuring his naked unprotected penis now where you?" I Said harshly semi yelling at her . "Go easy on them your not their parents"Gelo said walking In
"Correction I'm not Melos parent but me and jazmyne are the closest thing she has to parents right now , did you forget?" I said leaving out the room and getting my things . " Nia come on let's go" I said by the door . " Where are we going?". She asked " Home to call your parents and letting them now they're about to be grandparents." I said as we got into the car.

Jazmyne POV
As soon as I got home I soaked in a bath and rubbed my soar body. I'm going to be in bed rest for atleast 3 weeks . When I got out and went to get a snack I heard Farii and Nia come through the door . "Welp your little sister went and got pregnant the one the only LaMelo LaFrance Ball ." Farii said with an attitude rolling her eyes. "Wait you're pregnant?" I asked ever so dumbfounded . "Yea" She said shyly. Well this whole abortion thing is gonna be harder than i thought to get over. I swallowed my food and asked yet another question "Does LaVar know yet?" Nia responded "yes". She then asked a question " can I go back over there with melo please?" Then all hell broke loose. "No not unless your sister sits overthere there with you guys or LaVar is back from his interviews." Farii said Nia then went up to her room and so the pregnancy and abortion hormones begin. " You can call tía and let her know that her youngest daughter is having her oldest grandchild." Farii said walking off upstairs slamming the doors . Let the over protective cousin hormones begin . *sigh*

Just a little filler chapter and also Christmas break is almost here 'Tis the season to be writing falalala.😄😘

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