The Truth

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Jaz P.O.V
Me and Zo were in the car as he drove to the hospital . "So what were you saying about an abortion?" He asked breaking the silence. "I got one because you always told me that if it were to ever happen that you would hope i understand that it's too much for us to deal with right now" I responded as we pulled into the hospital. As we pulled in we saw farii grab something from her car and go back up. As we met her up there every one looked angry and upset. "Is everyone ok?" I asked "y'all all look like y'all just came from a reunion show" Zo said taking a seat. "Here just look inside and it'll explain everything please gelo" farii begged as she handed him a medium sized box with a key. "What ima look In here for?"
He said trying to keep his voice down . "We already know the truth y'all was ficking and that's disgusting" he said getting up and leaving. "Oh so Zo not the only one who cheating?" I say leaving to catch up with gelo . "Hey can you drop me off at home?" I ask gelo as we are in the elevator. "Yea" he said still looking at his phone . "She's not cheating" I spoke up as the door opened "That's hard to believe" he said walking out with me following him. "I know what they were actually doing and they weren't cheating, you have to trust her enough so she can tell you the truth without  you getting mad." I spoke as we got into his car and drove off . "Why should I trust her ,huh?" He said keeping his eyes on the road. "Because you don't know the whole truth , you only know what you were told and what was assumed." I said as he pulled into a McDonald's . " want anything ?" He asked " yea for you to stop jumping to conclusions and talk to safarii" I spat as he ordered his food and my usual. "I mean I guess you're right but - why should i this whole thing makes them both look guilty." He spoke paying  at the window and driving up. "Exactly it makes her LOOK guilty, amendment #5 speedy trial" I told him as I drank some of my drink. "I'll think about it" he said as we pulled up to his house . "Ima say hi to Tina and noni" I told him walking into their home . After talking to Tina for a while I find myself in gelos  room picking my clothes up off the floor . Next thing I know I'm walking home across the street. What the hell just happened? As I walk in I see everybody is home and doing their own thing . I go upstairs and take a nap . I'll visit Nia later .

Filler chapter I'm finna kill a character off 🤷🏽‍♀️. Not in the next 5 or 6 chapters tho so your good for now . ~ Love Kae💚

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