3. Losing Love

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Nothing could ruin this, I thought as I curled into Bane's side. My head laid on his chest, listening to his heart beat while my hand was intertwined with one of his. His other fingers were softly stroking my hair, playing with it's curls. I was so content, that when he tried to pull away a snarl slipped through my teeth. "Easy, baby." he grinned kissing my forehead. Carefully he reached around his neck and unlatched his necklace. On the silver chain hung his mother's wedding rings. He had always worn them. They were the only things he had left of her. On his own hand was his father's wolf ring. "Bane?" he smiled down at my confused face as he slipped them onto my finger. "You're mine, Alyxandria. Now and forever, you'll be mine." Reaching up I kissed him deeply trying to convey how much i loved him, and failing completely. I would need everyday of our lives for that. "And your mine Bane Lykos." i growled nipping his chin. He chuckled and pulled me tighter.

Suddenly a sharp pain twisted in my chest. Bane grunted as if he felt it too. "What's happening?" I groaned. "Something is wrong." Howls of pain filled the night air. something was very wrong.

Bane and I raced to put our clothes back on and blow out the candles. He took my hand as we sprinted back to the house. The party had come to a complete halt, and everyone had gathered on the lawn. I could see the headlights of more people coming on the road, and caught a glimpse of my parent's Lincoln.

"Alyx!" Eve ran to us with tears causing her mascara to run down her face. she threw herself into my arms sobbing uncontrollably. "Eve? Eve, what happened?" I couldn't make out what she was trying to say and looked to Bane for help, but his attention was focused on someone in the middle of the crowd. "Calm her down. I'll be right back." he disappeared into the crowd leaving me with Eve. "Claire! Claire, what's going on." Claire couldn't look anywhere but the ground. "He's gone, Alyx. He's dead."

"Who is? Who's gone?"

"Tobias, Tobias is dead." My uncle. My uncle was dead. Our Alpha was dead. The pain earlier had been from the pack bond breaking. Suddenly, I could hear shouts from the center of the crowd. oh no, Kane. "Claire, take care of Eve. I need to go." she didn't move a muscle as I handed her Eve. I had to shove my way through the crowd to get to the center. "What do you know of what he would have wanted!" My cousin roared. Kane looked horrible. he looked drunk. But Kane was always drunk. His pale skin was sunken in and pasty, his hair fell in messy tangles around his face and his eyes were burning red with fury as he glared at Bane. "You don't need to be making decisions right now Kane, you're drunk." Bane tried to reason with them calmly, holding out his hands as if her were trying to tame a wild animal. "I want them dead!" Kane snarled like a rabid dog. "I want them dead now!" Bane stepped closer to him trying to hold him back. "We dont know what happened, Kane."

"Get out of my face you orphan bastard." he spat shoving Bane into a tree. The bark splintered at the impact. I ran in front of Kane as he pulled his fist back for another strike. "Kane!Stop!"

His eyes glowed with fury when I blocked his path to Bane. "Move you little whore."

"That's enough Kane." my dad broke through the crowd with my mother right behind him, still in her slippers. Kane turned his burning gaze on them. "I say when its enough, Grant." My father narrowed his eyes at him, but Kane didn't flinch. " My word is the law now dear uncle. I am the Alpha!" He roared like a crazed bear. Bane's hand wrapped around my arm as he pulled me behind him. Out of Kane's reach. My heart skipped a beat as his words slowly sunk in. He was right. I could feel the bond returning. Connecting us all...to him. He held the power over us. He was the new alpha.

The entire pack seemed to wait in stunned silence as this realization hit all of us. Our packs future laid with my sadistic cousin. He laughed aloud turning his gaze back on Bane. "I've been waiting years to do this. Ever since he brought you home. I've been waiting." Bane's hands on me tightened as he forced me to stay behind him. Kane's eyes filled with a strange glee. "I'm going to let you live Bane." My breath shook with his pause. "But you'll have to live without her." he pointed a clawed finger at me. Growling snarling tried to push my way past Bane and claw his eyes out. "You think you can kill me? I'd like to see you try, you bastard." My parents both snarled as they crouched beside us, ready to defend their pup. I even saw a few more bodies shift to block Kane. He laughed at all of us. "I won't kill you, Alyx, but you will not be seeing little Bane here. Ever." His words confused me. I didnt understand. Bane tensed around me. "You're going to banish me." Kane laughed as if this was all some game to him. I reached out to claw at his face but Bane easily held me back. "Dont do something stupid, Alyx." Why did his words sound like a goodbye? I looked up at his face but he wouldn't meet my gaze. "I'll go, but you'll leave Alyx and her family alone." Kane smirked. "You'll leave regardless of what I do." Kane snapped his fingers and a few of our males involuntarily shifted. "My friends here will make extra sure you wont try to deceive me, wont you?" he barked making them flinch. "Dont do anything stupid, Alyx." he hissed in my ear again. "Dont leave me!" I hissed back trying to hold the tears back. "I love you." and with that he let me go and sprinted for the woods behind us. Kane's wolves streaked past me, racing after my mate. "You cant do this!" I growled as my parents took Bane's place in holding me. I cried trying to shake them off. Kane walked in front of me and gripped my face hard between his fingers. His eyes glowed with the alpha blood running in his veins. "I am the Alpha now. No one gets to tell me what to do. Especially not some whore." I fell to the ground when he released me. Pain filled my chest as my mate ran further and further away.

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