12 Forgiveness is a Virtue

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" So you went to New York huh?" Bane looked at me darkly from across the room. His Ocean blue eyes turned to raging hurricanes. I nearly melted under his penetrating stare, and was rooted to my spot by the door.

Both my parents and Claire were sleeping in one of the guest rooms, leaving me to deal with my mate's anger.

"Bane, I couldn't leave them there. You should've seen what he's done...." my fist curled into balls and I bit my lip. I still felt the anger filling me, threatening to explode.

In seconds I was wrapped up in his arms again. He held me while I cried into his shoulder.

"I left them there. Alone, to pay for my mistakes. Bane, he's a monster. I couldn't leave them there." His hand rubbed my back comfortingly. "Why didn't you ask for my help, Alyx? I could have helped you."

"You would've stopped me."

"But I would have sent someone else." I shook me head pulling away just to look up at him.

"No, I had to see it. I had to be the one."

Sighing he rested our foreheads together. "That doesn't make it better, Alyx. You can't just lie to me. We're mates. You have to trust me enough to let me in on what your thinking."

"I do trust you," I protested.

"Not enough to tell me where your going." My hand cupped his cheek as I looked up into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I do trust you, and I love you."

His eyes narrowed in on mine.

"You're just saying that to get out of trouble." He growled playfully.

I grinned up at him.

"Forgiveness is a Virtue, Honey."

The next morning I went to check in on my parents and Claire. The pack doctor was leaving just as I brought them breakfast.

"Good morning everyone." I smiled trying to lighten up the mood in the room.

I handed the doctor a cup coffee before laying the rest on the bed. The doctor led me outside to the hallway as they ate.

"How is everyone?"

"You're father has suffered multiple broken bones, fractures, and most obviously scarring. It appears as if he's been suffering injury after injury. I cant tell at what extent it is since his body is still healing, but it's not healing as fast as it should. All of them are malnourished. Your friend and mother...there are signs of a certain...kind of abuse." He paused not able to say it.

"They've been...raped?" I clasped my hands together to keep them from shaking.

"Yes, and your friend....she has signs of being pregnant before, but there is no baby?"

"No, she didn't. ..say anything about a baby."

The doctors face fell into a very dark expression.

"They've been through hell, Ms.Hale, and it's going to take them perhaps years to get over it. I've never seen anything like it before..." His eyes look almost haunted.

"Thank you doctor. For everything." He nodded stiffly. "I'll be back later, to check over the healing process, but for now all I can suggest is food and rest. Lots and lots of rest Ms. Hale." I nodded back in understanding.

Walking back into the room was like walking into a graveyard.

Both of my parents sat like stone in their bed. The food was left untouched.

"You guys need to eat something." I said pushing the plate closer. "Fey is a great cook, mom." She looked up at me with a glassy expression as if just realizing i was there. She plastered a fake smile onto her face. "Oh hey, baby. How are you?" This was her. That robotic voice I heard on the phone everyday. I couldn't hear how fake it was until now.

"I'm fine, mom. Please eat something. Daddy?" He continued to stare at the bedspread in front of him, with a dull, lifeless look.

"Can you please eat something? Please, for me?" I wasn't above begging. I'd get down on my knees and beg if I had to. My mother gave my father a blank stare and then picked up a muffin and nibbled on it. A smile broke across my face.

"Thank you, can you get Dad to eat while I go check on Claire?" She nodded mechanically.

Claire was curled up on her side, facing a blank wall.

She looked so broken laying there. Her eye had started to heal bit by bit but was still swollen shut. Her lip did stop bleeding though.

"Claire?" She drug her eyes away from the wall to meet mine.

"I need to take a shower. Can I use your shower?" Claire was always a clean freak, but this was the last thing i expected. "Yeah, but wouldn't you like something to eat first?"

"No. No, I'm dirty. I need to get clean. I'm dirty, Alyx." She started to rub her skin until it turned red. "Okay, okay, come on. You can use the shower." Gently I led her to the bathroom and helped her start the shower. Every piece of clothing she took off only revealed more and more bruises and scars. Werewolves dont scar easily either. I was too afraid to leave her alone so I sat on the toilet and waited for her to finish. I texted Fey and asked her to bring some fresh clothes for her.

After helping her back to her room, I sat beside her on the bed.

"Claire, I am so...sorry. I know that's probably the most useless fucking word right now, but I am. I never thought he would go this far." She sat in silence for a moment before speaking. "He made me feel so dirty, Alyx. He...he made me feel like nothing." Her arms covered her stomach, protectively. Like i used to.

"He took everything away from me, Alyx. He should've just killed me, but he wouldn't. He'd just laugh in my face and tell me to get over it." Her voice sounded so bitter and disgusted.

"What did he take from you, Claire?" I asked placing a hand on the one over her stomach. Her brown eyes filled with tears. "My babies. Four, four miscarriages. He beat me whenever I got to big and he noticed. Alyx, he took away my babies." She fell into my arms and I just held her. Just like Bane held me, I held her until she was cried out.

"Thank you, Alyx. Thank you so much for coming back." She whispered softly, blinking back more tears.

"What are friends for?" I replied lamely but she gave me a small, strained smile. The doctor was right, it was going to be a long time before they healed, but they would heal.

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