Eden's lullaby

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I awoke to the smell of fried eggs and bacon. Fey must be up already. I groaned pulling Aden tighter to my chest only to realize it wasn't him.

Jerking awake I looked down at the plush couch pillow in my arms.

"Aden?Aden!" My wolf immediately went into defense mode. Where was my pup?


His curly head peeked around the corner with a huge smile on his face. His hair was wet and he had fresh clothes on.

I breathed a sigh of relief and scooped him up into my arms.

I have a feeling this over protectiveness isn't going away anytime soon.

"Alyx? What's wrong?"

Claire asked tentatively walking into the living room.

"Nothing. I just...panicked a little."

She smiled in understanding.

"Sorry, Bane asked if I could give Aden a bath while he watched over Eden."

Eden. She's still asleep.

"Ok. Thank you Claire." I put Aden on my hip and raced up the stairs to our room.

The sound of humming filled then room when I went in.

Bane lay on the bed beside Eden with his arm undee her head, humming softly against her head.

He looked better today, tired, but better.Aden and I went to curl up on Eden's other side and just listened to the soft melody.

"I like that song Daddy." I'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating for a whole minuten as we sat in stunned silence.

"Eden, why you sleep forever?".Aden growled pinching her.


"Aden!"He looked up at me in confusion. 'What?"

"I'm thirsty mommy."Eden crossed rubbing her throat.

"I will get it." Aden said bouncing off the bed.

"Oh no little Buddy." Bane said scooping him up.

As they left to get the water I pulled Eden tighter to me.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight!" I growled a kissing her face.

"Ow Momma!" She giggled.

Eden thrived at being the center of attention for the next few days. She practically had everyone wrapped around her finger. I even caught my dad trying to sneak her in some chocolate.

Aden was less than enthusiastic about being left out, but whatever Eden got she gladly split it with her brother

Even though the twins were both okay I noticed Bane was becoming distant by the day. Did he feel awkward about proposing to me? Especially about what happened after. Technically I still haven't given him an answer while he was awake, but I have been wearing the ring!

Eli, Dom, and Bane were all out of the house by sunrise and didn't return till dark.

Bane came home with a long ugly scratch on his back that I could tell had been much worse.

He lifted off his shirt with a sour look just before he got into bed."What's wrong?'

"Nothing." he grunted.

"Bane, I smell the blood.I'm not an idiot. What have you been doing?" He sighed running a hand through his hair.

"We've been having border problems. Kane has been attacking our patrols recently. I've had to double up patrols and recruit more warriors. He's sending out attack parties the size of a small pack. If the break past the patrols they can go right on in to the compound."

My vision blurred red again at the sound of his name. Kane had tried to kill my babies, raped my mother and my friend, and beat up my father every night for four years. My wolf yearned to rip his throat out. That sick monster deserves to be put down.

And I am tired of him destroying people's lives.

Bane laid his head against my chest and wrapped his arms around me. His touch seemed to keep the fire at bay and I melted into him.

'I love you. " I mumbled into his hair. He lifted his face to meet mine with a small smile. "I know."

"You're supposed to say it back dork." His grin grew wider and he kissed my collar bone. I bit my lip, holding back a moan as his lips and tongue made a trail up my neck to my ear. His hand cupped my breast as he hovered over my mouth with a burning look in his eyes.

"I love you, Alexandria."

"You better." I growled pulling his lips down to mine.

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