4 Positively Screwed

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I stared at the little positive sign for what seemed like ages. It had been weeks since Bane disappeared. At first I thought the nausea and vomiting were just apart of grieving, but then I realized I was late...way late.

My mother knocked on the door nervously. I could hear her heart beating a little faster than normal.

"Alyx? Alyx, what does it say?" I couldn't find my voice to answer her. The words got stuck in my throat. I'm pregnant with Bane's baby.


His name brought with it a flood of tears. Bane was gone, and Kane was going to make sure he stayed like that. Kane was also going to make sure I stayed here. He had wolves stationed to guard our house.

We couldn't go anywhere without them following us.

"Alyx, I'm coming in." I didn't move as she came in and picked up the pregnancy tests. Her eyes began to water just looking at them. "Oh Goddess....I'm going to be a grandma." Her smile almost brought on a whole new wave of tears.

"Momma, if Kane finds out...." I couldn't finish the sentence. I couldn't let him find out, because when he does, he'll kill my baby. And perhaps me as well.

My mother seemed to come to the same realization. I could see the wheels in her head turning as shr thought over a plan.

"I have a friend. She lives in Paris. She's a were doctor as well. She can help you deliver the baby."

"Leave? If I run, Kane will hunt be down." She cupped my face and kissed my forehead like she used to when I was a pup.

"Not if he thought you were dead."

It should have scared me how well my mother was able to fake her own daughter's suicide. With the help of one of her friends at the hospital she stole a cadaver from the morgue and put it in my car before pushing it off a cliff. The car exploded on impact; burning the body beyond recognition.

Everyone believed I did it out of grief for Bane. I did feel a little guilty by not telling Eve and Claire, but i couldn't risk it. Kane could never find out I didn't die in that car.

My mother picked me up from my hotel. Her eyes looked at my new blonde hair sadly as she handed me my new ID and passport.

"Ally Hale?"

She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. "Yeah, I thought it was cute. Plus I wanted to name you Ally but your father hated it."

I had said goodbye to my dad yesterday. It had killed both of us. His eyes were so sad as he pulled away. I have never seen him cry a day in my life, but at that moment his eyes began to water. "I love you, Alyx. Always." He kissed my cheek and finally let me go.

I was dreading the next goodbye. We rode to the airport in silence, and she walked me to the first gate.

I knew our time was up when tears had spilled over her grey eyes.

She gripped me in a tight hug. " I'll send you a safe email to send letters and pictures. I want lots and lots of pictures." she sniffled pulling away. "Of all of you." She chuckled touching my stomach.

"I will." I promised wiping away my own tears.

"And remember, you're no longer Alyxandria. Ally Hale." she said tapping my passport. " I know."

"Good". She gave me a kiss on the cheek and reluctantly walked away. Taking Alyxandria with her.

I honestly dont think I took a single breath until we landed in Paris. Kane wont find us here. We'll be safe here. I told myself holding a protective hand over my stomach.

I searched the crowd outside of the tunnel for the woman my mother had described.

Short, long brown hair (most likely to be in a bun), soft brown eyes, and anyone in that crowd could have fit that description. "Ally!Ally!" it took me a minute to realize she was shouting at me. Ally Hale.

A short brown haired woman with big brown eyes held a sign with my name written on it. My new name that is.

She gave me a hug. "Hi, I'm Emile. Your mothers friend."

"How did you know it was me?"

"Because you look exactly like her."

"Like who?"

"Your Mother."

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