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The sound of the metal door creaking open sounded like someone running their claws across a chalkboard. My eyes cracked open just enough to be blinded by the bright, searing light.

"Hello, ladies." A cool, arrogant voice cackled. I hissed up at my peice of shit cousin. No, he was not my cousin. There is no way something so vile and twisted could share the same blood as my children. Whoever this man was he is not my blood.

"What? Cat got your tongue cousin?" He snickered as he crouched down beside me. I curled into a tight ball, protecting my unborn pup at all cost from the monster next to me.

"No smart remark? No biting insults? Nothing? "

"Fu..ck...off." my voice cracked.

His laughter filled the small room.

"Did you hear that, Bran? Even after all this she still doesn't know when to keep her whore mouth shut."

A sharp kick to my head sent off an alarm of bells ringing in my ears. I tried to cry out but it sounded like a deflated balloon.

A sharp whimper came from the corner.


Kane turned to her,. laughing like a psychopath. 

"Well, well if it isnt my favorite slut." My eyes opened enough to see him grab her bony chin between his fingers.

"Did you think I wouldn't find you? Did you think you could just walk away from me? Stupid bitch." His hand smacked across her face like lightning.

"Both of you thought you could escape me? I am the Alpha. I own you!" He roared so loud it shook the entire cellar.

"Alyxandria,  you thought you were so clever, faking your own death. And I wont lie, you would have gotten away with it had you been smart enough to stay away, but now I know why you left, little cousin. " I stiffened,  looking up into his crazed eyes that were darkened with circles.

"Yes, little cousin, I know all about those little bastard mutts of yours. The spawn of that inbred dog my father so stupidly took in. Surely,  Claire has told you all about my affection for children. Has she?" He snickered.

"Stay away from...my pups." I snarled,  using what was left of my strength to lunge for his throat. The thick chain dragged me back down as Kane and his little lackey laughed hysterically at my attempt.

"Dont worry, little cousin. They won't suffer...for long. Putting down mutts is my speciality." Turning on his heel he strode back up the stairs.

"Bran, make sure these two are still conscious when I get back. I want them to see my trophies." He giggled like a mad school girl before disappearing into the bright light.
My babies.
Please Bane save my babies, please...

My eyes drifted shut from their own will.

3 weeks. 3 weeks and there were still no trace of Alyxandria and Claire. My wolf's rage was starting to consume me. He hadn't had this much control over me in four years.

There were moments when I caught him breaking through. My eyes would shift in color, my teeth elongated in my mouth, piercing my own skin.

One night, as I rocked the twins to sleep, i hadn't noticed my claws until Eden shreiked in pain as they sliced her arm. I couldn't be around my own pups without losing control, much less anyone else.

Eli and Dom's fighting nearly sent me over the edge.

"We've already searched there. There wasn't any sign of them." Eli sighed in frustration as we stood over the large map that outline our territory along with our neighbors lands as well. We hadn't found anything. It was if they had just disappeared. Yet I knew they were near. I could feel it.

"Well we have to search again!" Dom snarled, banging his fist on the table. Causing most of the grown men in the room to flinch.

My wolf surged forward at his sign of dominance. I felt my face shift as I stood over him. I waited until he had submitted before I could back off. I shook my head clear, I need to stay focused. We have to find them.
Bane! We're being attacked from the south wall!
"Everyone get to the south wall now! Tell any civilian to get inside and lock up!" I ordered the room full of advisors.  Everyone stared to move at once, scrambling to get to the wall.
All civilians are to get inside at once and lock down. All warriors head for the south wall.

My voice broadcasted over the whole pack.

Eli and Dom were right on my heels as we sprinted into the forest. We shifted mid- leap and landed on all fours. My wolf knew exactly where he was going, Kane was here.

When we reached the wall, wolves were still pouring out over it.

Where had he gotten all of these wolves? These were not Californian wolves. They were leaner, darker.
He's recruited the border rogues, from Mexico.There's too many of them.

Eli's dark brown wolf prance nervously beside me.

He was right. There were too many, they outnumbered us by at least twenty.
Eli take the fastest wolf we have and head to Divara. We need his help. I will hive him the lands west of the river if he comes.

Eli didn't waste a moment. He sprinted around the fighting and another lean brown wolf joined him before he headed west towards Divara.
What about us, what are we doing?

Dom stepped beside me.
You are going to hold those rogues back until Eli and Divara get here.
And you?

My eyes scanned over the enemy wolves.
I am going to find Kane.

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