11 Rules are broken and Lies are told.

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"I'll only be gone for a day, I promise." Aden and Eden both gave me similar pouting faces, and I knew if I turned around to look at Bane, he would be making the same face. It killed me to lie to him, especially after getting him back so soon. I knew if I told him, he'd never let me go. I had to lie.

Bane had driven me to the airport in silence until we reached his private jet.

"Is this really necessary? Can't Sophia hold down the fort for a little longer?" he growled.

"Papers need my signature, people need my face, and my company needs to be settled before I can move it. Montana isn't exactly the trending fashion scene." Leaning in i waited for him to kiss me. Knowing for a fact he wouldn't pass it up. What I didn't expect was the full on deep, passionate kiss i received. He nibbled on my bottom lip, making me gasp so he could gain entry to my mouth.

God damn him and his kisses. He was trying to get me to stay, and it wasn't going to work.

I bit his lip and he jerked back in surprise.

I smirked picking up my bag.

"Goodbye Honey, take care of my babies." I threatened.

He was still looking at me in shock when the jet door closed.

The pilot looked up at me in confusion when I walked into the cockpit. "Miss?"

"I need to change our course, and I'd appreciate it if Mr. Lykos didn't know about until we got back." He looked a little confused and nervous about going against his boss. "I only have enough fuel to make it to New York."

"That's fine, I want to go to California."

The pilot didn't have any excuse after that, and we took off without a hitch.

Landing in California was a different matter. Being back home sent chills racing down my back. It was as if my wolf understood we weren't supposed to be here. This wasn't our home anymore.

I picked up a rental outside and headed down the familiar road. The same road I disappeared from so many years ago.

My parents house look untouched by time. The grass was a plush green and cut, the door was a bright red, windows were spotless. I sat there in my car just staring at it.

I caught sight of my mom in the window. Her black hair had been cropped to just below her ears, and she looked thinner.

I glanced into the car mirror and put my brown contacts back in. Pulling out my make up bag, I quickly applied some to my face. Make up was a miracle. It could cover up anything, except my scent. Which was what the perfume was for.

I applied a little extra just for safety.

Walking up the sidewalk and to the door was the longest trip of my life, and possibly the most nerve racking.

The door swung open before I could even knock.

"What are you doing here?" My mother hissed standing in the doorway.

I held my breath, staring at her.

"Oh,.mom...what has he done to you?"

I had been right before. Her hair was cut, but it had been done with some rustic scissors. Strands were all different lengths and they looked dull and lifeless.

I had also been right about the thinner part. She was bone thin, i could see her collar bone poke out from her shirt, and her cheek bones poked out of her face.

Dark blotches and bruises cover her arms and neck.

Tears threatened my eyes and anger burned inside of me. How dare he touch my mom.

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