6 Photogenic

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Emile talked me into calling Sophia back. Sophia was over the top excited as she took us to her studio and snapped a few pictures. Eden was a natural, whereas Aden kept throwing things at the camera man.

I didn't put much stock in pictures even though they were beautiful. So when Sophia called me to her office the next week I wasn't expecting any news.

"Ally!Ally, come in!" she quickly ushered me into a chair in front of her desk. Her actual desk was buried under a mountain of envelopes and folders. "Soo, any hits on the pictures?"

"Are you kidding? Half these offers on the desk are magazines dying to get your kids on their covers!" My jaw almost dropped. Is she serious?

"And the other half?"

"For you. Victoria secret, Vogue, InStyle, Elle." My face almost caught fire at the thought of posing for Victoria Secret. Those Girls had a lot of confidence.

"Girl, you and your children are going to blow up the scene. Especially the werescene."

"Sophia, I'm so thankful for your help, but there are a few things we need to discuss." Her glow faltered when she saw how serious I was.

"What's wrong, Dear?"

"I..can't look like me. I mean, in the photos we'd have to change things." Her eyes narrowed a bit.

" Is someone looking for you?" Sophia felt close to me already. I hadn't known her for long, but she reminds me of Claire and Eve. As if we were always meant to be friends. I trust her.

I explained most of the situation to her. Not the part of Kane being my cousin that was a little much. It's not everyday your family tries to kill you.

"Dont worry about it, dear. Most of those girls don't even look like that. Do you honestly think someone could be that perfect without a little Photoshop magic? Now Eden on the other hand, She is going to be dropped dead beautiful." I smiled gratefully at her. I had a feeling everything was about to change. For the best I hope.

2 Years

With Sophia as my manger my career skyrocketed. We were on covers, billboards, and commercials. Eden was even the poster-child for Huggies. I successfully created my own clothing line and jewlry with the help of a few designers.

As we traveled all over the world. I was able to create ties to packs and prides all over the world.

Lately I had focused my business in the states. Aden and Eden were only months away from starting Kindergarten and Bane was most likely to still be close.

I avoided California like the plague. I couldn't risk running into someone from my old pack. I focused my efforts on the eighty one packs in the states from the east coast to the west.

Tonight I was meeting with a beta whose pack was located in most of Wyoming and Montana. It was a very new pack, but had gained a lot of attention due to it's growing numbers. Also, everyone was dying to know the Alpha of this new pack. He stayed very mysterious to the public. He had even refused to see me on multiple occasions and had recently allowed his beta to come and deal with me.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, i grew irritated. He was almost an hour late, and I had left the twins at home with Sophia. She wouldn't last much longer with Aden on her hands. That boy had grown wilder everyday. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to go home and find it burned down.

Sighing I fixed my hair in the mirror across from me. The woman starring back wasn't me. Thick blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, curvy and elegant. She wasn't me, she was Ally Hale. The supermodel. The designer. The Star.

Sometimes I desperately wanted Alyxandria back. Alyx wouldn't be here. She and Bane would live on a ranch somewhere. Raising Eden and Aden where nobody could find them, and they could be happy.

But it was Ally everyone wanted. It was Ally this beta agreed to see. For her connections.

I had used this to blackmail him in a way. His territory was being disputed with a neighboring Alpha. An alpha I happen to be very good friends with.

In exchange for a treaty he would give me any information I asked for. A tall dark man in an elegant grey suit walked towards my table. Placing a friendly neutral expression on my face, I stood and shook his hand.

"Sorry I'm late, ms. Hale, my alpha made an unexpected visit." My brow rose as we took a seat. "Your alpha is here in the city?".

"Yes, he is very busy and apologizes for not being able to make it." I highly doubted he was apologetic. Alphas never are.

"It is fine. I know how Alphas are, believe me, but your alpha is very exceptional. He's a mystery to the rest of the world. That's strange to find in an Alpha."

The beta gave me a humorless smile. "He likes his privacy."

"Don't we all?" I giggled giving him a charming smile. Males always fell for that. Especially unmated ones.

"You have contact with Alpha Divara?" he said get to the point and to steer the conversation away from his alpha.

"Yes, and I can help you settle this little dispute in exchange for a little information."

He looked at me squarely. "Your proposal has my alpha very curious about the information you want."

Looking him in the eye I told him. "I want the names of all the males in your pack." The beta laughed, shaking the whole table and gaining a few curious stares.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

My eyes narrowed as he continued to laugh.

"And what do you find so funny?"

"Did he break you heart, beautiful?" My lip curled into a snarl.

"Do you really think Divara's army is a laughing matter, beta?"

His maw snapped shut and he growled.

"If your capable of getting a treaty for a little information, so be it. Who are you looking for?"

"Bane Lykos." His jaw twitched and he immediately clammed up.

"And why are you looking for him?" A flash of recognition had filled his eyes when I had said the name. He knew Bane, and he knew where to find him."The deal wasn't I explain my reasons and Divara doesn't attack. If you want this treaty you'll get Bane for me."

"Listen woman, what your asking for is more than just a little information on a rogue." He growled. I resisted the urge to growl back. "You know where he is."

"And what makes you think he wants you to know?". He snapped back. "Trust me, he does."

The beta didn't budge.

"Please," I wasn't above begging. I was so close," Please, I'll give you anything. Money?Land? Just please let me know where he's at." He starred at me for the longest time before he let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry, Ms. Hale, but you're mistaken. You've got the wrong wolf. There is no way he knows you." He started to leave but i stopped him.

"No please, wait." I dug a picture out of my purse and wrote down the address of a cafe near my apartment and a time. "Please, just give him this." The beta stared at the photo in shock but quickly recovered.

" I have a feeling we'll be contacting you soon Ms. Hale."

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