Okay, but not Okay

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"What do you mean he's gone. " I flinched as the doc removed the last of the bullet fragments from my skin.

"Exactly how it sounds. When we got here it was just you and the kids. Dimitri was shaking so bad he nearly blew my head off." Dom paced the room like he usually does when he's stressed. Scratch that, this situation was beyond stressful. The wall was still being defended, Kane is gone, and Eli still has no idea that his mate is gone. This was an absolute nightmare.

I snarled at the doc when I felt him put pressure on the wound.

"Im just wrapping it up, Alpha. Please lift your arm." I took the bandage away from him and yanked my arm out of his grasp. "I'm fine. I called you here to check on the pups."

"Your children are fine, Alpha. Not a scratch. But it'll take awhile to get over what happened today. They need their mother." I sighed deeply.

Every second that passed, all I could think about was Alyxandria, and what Kane would do to her after he failed to take the twins. He didn't like losing, especially not to a child.

Getting shot by Dimitri was a huge blow to the lunatic's ego. The only one he could take it out on was Alyx, or Claire.
Alpha, we found his tracks.

I sprinted down to the backdoor, with Dom right on my heels. I found the scout I sent out just outside the tree line.

"I followed it all the way to the wall. It continues past it."

"Good job Gale." Dom said slapping him on the back.

"Let's go, we dont have any time to waste." I ordered, already moving to shift.

"Bane, you're injured." I glared at him over my shoulder, silencing him.

"I said let's go."


The throbbing in my head felt like a clock ticking for every second. I could feel my cheek starting to swell wear his boot had landed against my cheekbone.

Brom...Bran whatever the bastard's name was sat in the corner humming as he sharpened a blade. The sound of the steel hissing against the wet stone was as steady as the throbbing.

My eyes flickered to the small, curled up shape of Claire's body and worry filled me. She hadn't moved since Kane had left. It didn't even look like she was breathing anymore. The wolfbane could have gotten to her already.

No, Claire, please dont leave me. I can't do this alone. I can't. ..not anymore. Please just move, breathe, do anything.

Bran's humming came to an abrupt stop, as did the hissing. He jolted out of his seat muttering a few slurs under his breath as he threw open the cellar doors and disappeared into the bright, blinding light. "Holy crap, Kane. What happened?" I didn't hear Kane's response even though I sure did try. Had he succeeded? What happened to my babies?

"What do I do with them?"

There was a long pause as I heard them move away from the cellar and heard a car door open and shut.

Bran's dark figure filled the door way just as I heard a vehicle speeding away.

"Sorry about the disappointment ladies, but Kane couldn't join us for the grand finale." He laughed darkly stepping back down into the cellar.

"Too bad I have to hurry. I was looking forward to spending a little extra time with you." He chuckled yanking my limp body up from the floor. I didn't even feel any pain as he lifted me by my hair. My body was to numb and dead to feel anything anymore. His blade knicked the skin on my throat and I felt a droplet of blood run down to my collarbone.

Time seemed to stop as he went back again to finish the job for good.

Images flashed through my mind like a movie reel.

A small dark haired boy on my porch, a candlelit tree house, two screaming little angels being placed into my arms, their first smiles, first step, first word, Bane's look of wonder as he looked down at out children for the first time, a small diamond ring, and Bane's hand resting on the small bump of my stomach.

My lips pulled up into an almost painful smile as I felt a tear drip down my cheek.

I don't regret anything.

The blade fell to the floor as he released my hair. Blood burgled from Bran's mouth as he clutched the hole in his chest. Blood splattered across my face as he fell to the floor beside the knife with a frozen look of shock on his face.

"Alyx." My heart seemed to stop in my chest as warm, strong arms wrapped around me. His sweet woodsy smell enveloped me like a soft, familiar blanket.

'Ba...Bane. " I choked, falling into his embrace. Tears stung my eyes as I sobbed into his neck.

Someone handed Bane a key and he released me from my shackles.

"Dom," he tossed the keys to Dominic before he scooped up into his arms.

"Hurry, we have to get them back home."

Pain ripped through my head as soon as Bane stepped back into the sunlight. A sharp hiss of pain escaped my lips.

"Bane, the light." Dom grunted trying to cover Claire's face as well.

She still lay limp in his arms, but I could make out the soft rise and fall over her chest.

A dark cloth was placed over my face before we started to move again.

"It's okay, Alyx. You can rest. We'll be home soon."


I yawned as my eyes flickered open. I instantly stiffened when I saw a face mere inches from mine. I relaxed a bit, realizing it was just Bane. Everything came racing back to me within seconds, and tears filled my eyes.

My hand still shook a little as I reached up and cupped Bane's cheek. His eyes flashed open instantly.


"Do you know how much I love you Bane?" His ocean blue eyes filled with unwashed tears. I have never, in my entire life seen him cry, until now.

His arms wrapped around me like steel wires.

"You will never leave my side ever again. Do you understand that Mrs. Lykos?" He breathed into my hair.

"Mrs is it?"

"It will be soon enough." He growled slipping the ring back onto my finger. I smiled for a moment and then looked back up at him in desperation.

"Bane, where are the twins? I need them." His eyes softened again.

"They need you too." He got out of the bed and disappeared for a moment. Two blurs ran through the door and pounced onto the bed. I caught them in my arms instantly.

"Mommy!" They cried in unison. It felt like a giant weight had been lifted from my chest after holding them again. Bane sat back down next to us and just held us, and for a moment, everything was okay again.

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