7 Mine

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I glared down at the war declaration in front of me. Divara was dead serious about the river boundary. Even though my territory extended far past it, he refused to acknowledge it. The greedy bastard. I haven't worked my ass of for years just to have my territory disputed.

If he wanted this war, fine, but he'd regret it.

My beta, Dominic, had just recently come to me with a 'solution'. A high profile werewolf, that had been hounding us for months, apparently had connections to Divara. She promised a treaty in exchange for information. I didn't have time to waste talking to some model, but Dom eventually talked me into letting him see what she had to offer.

Meanwhile I need to prepare our defense. Pulling out my phone, i called my third in command. "Eli, how is the situation there?"

"Tense, we can hear his wolves across the river. They're not moving."

I held back my growl. Divara was playing a dangerous game. I don't take the lives of my pack lightly. If there was still a way to avoid this....I'd take it.

"Ok, dont make any moves yet. Let me contact Dom, and I'll get back to you."

"Got it, Alpha."

Hanging up, I immediately dial Dominic's number.

"Hey, we need to talk. Now. Are you still at the hotel?"

"Yes, what is it about? Is she legit or what?" It wasn't very often I would hear Dom this stressed. He's usually the calm, light-hearted one. "It would be easier to explain in person. I'm on my way up." He hung up and I waited for him to arrive. Whatever this model had said, obviously was worth something.

Dom appeared in the door way within a few minutes. He threw a picture on the table in front of me. "Does that ring any bells?"

My blood iced over as i stared at the picture in front of me.

It was taken four years ago. Our last picture together before I was banished.

"Oh come on Bane! Just one more, pleeaaasse?" She pouted, poking out her bottom lip. We were laying in the tree house, and tomorrow was my birthday. Alyx had her head rested on my shoulder, and my arm was wrapped around her. Sighing I kissed her forehead as the flash went off. "Alyx," I groaned into her hair. "Enough pictures!" She smiled up at me and kissed my lips. "I just want us to remember times like this. You know, when we're old and senile." Shaking my head, I chuckled. "Trust me, I wont forget one moment with you."

That was the picture, Alyx smiling at the camera looking absolutely beautiful as I kissed her forehead.

"That's her isn't it? Alyx?" Dom had been the only one i confided my secret to. He was the only one who knew about Alyx, and about what had happened to her.

I had went back for her. After a month of hiding out in a nearby pack, I had hoped Kane would've cut back on patrols. He had, but.only enough so I could slip through. When I made it to her house it seemed as if the entire pack was there. People were crying and yelling at each other. I caught sight of Claire and Eve on the edge of the crowd closest to me.

Claire saw me in the shadows and started to cry even more as i comforted her in my arms.

"Claire, Claire what happened?" Her hazel eyes were bloodshot from crying. She was a complete mess and looked as if she'd break at any moment. "She's dead, Bane." Her words passed through me at first without any meaning. "What are you talking about? Claire, who died?"

"Alyx." I didn't believe her. Alyx wasn't dead. I'd know if she was dead, right? We were mates. I'd know. "She can't be. No, you're mistaken." She sobbed shaking her head . "I saw it. The car...her body."

"What. Happened. Claire." I felt like shaking her, but afraid it would completely shut her down. And i need her awake, i needed her to tell me what happened to Alyx.

"She...drove..off the cliffs." Claire whimpered, shaking like a leaf. She killed herself? Why? Why would she do this to me? To us?

"What does she want?" My voice was cold and hard. This woman was playing with fire. She had no idea who she was messing with.

"She wants you." I lifted an eye brow. "Excuse me?"

"She asked for you, by name." Dom ran a hand through his hair, in frustration.

"Who is this woman? I want everything on her, now. And i mean everything." I snarled. Dom went to his bag and pulled out a small file. "That's everything on Ally Hale. There's nothing on her until four years ago when Sophia Grey found her in France. She modeled, acted in a few movies, and she has deep connections with packs all over the world." He tossed a few pictures of her onto the table. Pictures of her with some very well known Alphas. I studied her face closely. She was beautiful, but unfamiliar.

"She has two kids, twins." He tossed laid their pictures down next. One was a huggies add and the other was an add for Tonka trucks. Like their mother they were equally beautiful, but looked nothing like her. Instead of blonde hair and brown eyes, they had black hair and blue eyes.

"There's nothing before that? How is that possible?" Dom searched through it and pulled out a plane transcript. "A plane ticket for Ally Hale to Paris. ...from California. She knows you Bane. You have to remember her from somewhere." Ally Hale? I looked down at her picture again only to have my eyes drift to the picture of me and Alyxandria.

Alyxandria. Ally.

Suddenly my eyes caught on. There was a small freckle on Alyx's neck, and on Ally's. In the exact same place. The shape of their eyes, the wide smile, her widows peak.

It was her.

"Where is she? Dom. Where is she staying?"

"She wrote down something on the back." An address? And a time.

I typed the address into my phone only to find out it was a cafe. "She must live nearby. Find her and text me the address." I grabbed my keys and was halfway out the door when Dominic called after me.

"Who is she?"

She's mine.

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